My Guest Book and Web Rings

Yep! This is a picture of Me!
A word of Warning! I love guest books and web rings! Both are useful for networking! That is the purpose I put them here.
If you post in my Guest Book, (and I hope you will), please expect to be contacted by email, not only by me (you can bet that I will) but by others. I invite everyone to view my Guest Book. It's a special place-an implied invitation from those who post to those who view to contact that person.

When you receive an unexpected message from someone who took you up on your invitation, be friendly. "Yes, I received your message." "No, I'm not interested at this time. Maybe in the future" "Why don't we exchange banners" or war stories or maybe play "Can You Top This?" (Beware of playing "Can You Top This" with me because I have an unnatural knack for attracting absurd situations, therefore I almost always win in this competition.)

People on the net are what this is all about. Networking is a powerful tool. Useful to all of us. When you post to a Guest Book or join a ring, that's what you're actions are implying. If you are too busy or too important to network-then just be on your way in peace.

Yes I visit many web pages and sign guest books and contact using email. All my efforts are not only to introduce others to my fountains, but also to initiate contact with others. I have hopes of a response from another, now and then, who understands the value of real contact.
Regards, Dandi
