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This was a poem written to me from someone I never knew, but it holds a place in my heart. If you are reading this and you wrote the poem, let me know and I will give you proper recognition. Thanks!
So how is our windspirit today
she kissed the boys and ran away.
She lost her heart just like that
a look, a smile a drop of the hat.
Always so busy, a bit like me
but time just passes oh so easily.
Why not stand back, take it slow
see others rushing to and fro.
Enjoy the moment and the scene
those precious seconds in between.
Then life will seem a better place
moving at your own personal pace.
Let the world then turn to suit you
and do the things you want to do.
At peace at last the puzzle pieces fit
and if joy is offered then just grab it.
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Email: lunky_love@yahoo.com