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the truth about hunting

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I talk to people at work and people on the streets and have overheard conversations about deer hunting, They say there is no need for hunting. I am my own person and do not want other folks opinions pushed upon me and do the same for them by not telling them how it really is unless I know the people well.They talk about killing little animals and grocery stores are where you should get your meat. But as most hunters know, killing is not the only reason for hunting. Hunting is as much a conservation tool as much as it is a sport. The part of the country I hunt in is seeing a drastic population increase every year in whitetail deer. The regulations are changing and bag limits change on a yearly basis trying to control the population increase. This year we are having special doe only gun hunts and an increased archery season in hopes of taking more deer from the herds before the population is out of control. In Oklahoma it was estimated in 1917 we had only 500 whitetail deer, we were on the brink of not having deer at all. 1943 a deer restoration program was started with 22 deer being trapped an transplanted to Oklahoma. In 1972 the program was completed with 8500 deer being transplanted. In 1976 our total harvest was 11,548 deer. 1990 deer population was estimated at 250,000 with a total deer season harvest of 44,070. the year 2000 showed another record year with over 100,000 deer being taken. This shows our deer herds are on a fast rise from year to year, With out some type of control there would be health problems start in our deer population, Vehicle/deer accidents will soar, Raising insurance rates along with it, agricultural depreditation will eat into the farmers pockets even deeper. Deer hunting is not only for the hunter, It is for everyone that drives on our roads or eats from our farmers feilds. I may sound as if I am riding my high horse,But hunting is in the best intrest of the whole state. They talk about not having to hunt to eat, This is true to a point. I can go to the store and buy meat but the meat I get from the wild is leaner, cleaner, and I know where it has been and what has been done to it.( can you say that about the store you shop at?) Not only do I save money on my grocery bill, We have a donation program where a hunter can donate his deer and it will be distibuted to familys that cannot afford a good meal or have a hard time just keeping the water on so the kids can take a bath before school. I make sure every year I donate to this hunters against hunger program. Is there anyone out there that wants to tell me this is not a good program? Hunting may not be for everybody but it is a very needed sport for many reasons, It's not just killing.