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ENDGAME Chapter 1

The Endmage series are created by:

Created by Linda and Annabella

Title: End Game Chapter 1

She made her way down the dark sidewalk not noticed by any of the people on the street. She never cared if she was ever noticed or not, she would always find her way out if being noticed got her into trouble. She glanced at her wristwatch. It read 11:36 PM. Who was going to care if she was out on the streets at 11:36 PM?

It was windy out. The wind sent a chill to her face. She absorbed the chill, taking it in like when absorbing a magic attack that was inferior to her power. She had always loved the cold, ever since she was little, she didn’t know why. Was it because it sent a rush of adrenaline to her body? Maybe it was just because it was plain invigorating.

A whip of a white bang from her hair stung her face. It was getting much windier now. Only her bangs were white. The rest of her hair, in a long ponytail, was black, and it was whipping past her shoulder. Many said that she resembled that woman in that mutant movie, but she didn’t care or showed the slightest interest. She continued walking, ignoring her continuously annoying hair. She glanced at her watch again. 11:38. Suddenly, an arm pulled her in the alley and slammed her into a wall. She felt no pain, like most women would, she just glanced at the enemy in front of her. “Alright, hand it over!” The man yelled. Her piercing green eyes flickered in the darkness.

She decided to toy with him. “Hand what over?” “Your purse you b&#$@!” He scowled. She smirked, sending another glow of her green eyes at him. The man tensed, for some reason getting nervous. This woman wasn’t the usual type that he mugged, but he was desperate for money. He took out a knife and held it an inch away from her face. “Now hand it over!” She smirked again and raised a hand over the knife. She slid her finger across the edge. “Nice knife. Where’d you steal it from?” “That… that ain’t none of your damn business!” The man gripped the knife harder, getting more nervous. He had never had a girl ask about the weapon before. Only beg and plead not to hurt her with it. She smirked once more, and placed her two fingers at the tip of the knife. Slowly, without any effort at all, she bent the stainless steal weapon, and the man nearly fell back.

“What….what….what the heck are you!?” The man gasped. There’s no way she could’ve done that to a knife! She grinned, after sensing his HP and MP. The HP was 26, and he had 1 MP left in him. A complete and total weakling. She didn’t need to use a strong spell. She pulled out a small red orb, and it glowed in the darkness. “Fire.” She said, as the man suddenly burst into flames. She walked out of the alley quickly, hoping that no one would suspect her of setting the criminal on fire. She didn’t take pleasure in killing, like they said a close relative of hers did, she only took pleasure in killing those who deserved it. Justice, righteousness, what ever you want to call it, she only felt that it was needed. Even if the burning criminal never killed in his entire life, she still felt as if he deserved it for annoying her and temporarily depriving her of her task at hand. The mysterious young woman stared up at the night sky. Stars. Just stars. Millions of them, twinkling in the night. She lost her train of thought, feeling some kind of mysterious energy and power from them, but then glanced back at her wristwatch again. 11:47. Who was going to notice her at 11:47 at night?

Gohan flew as fast as he could for his house. Maybe he could try his father’s technique and teleport himself back to his bed and act as if he were sleeping, but he tried the Instant Transmission at least 20 times on his way home, and had no luck what so ever. His mind drifted through the events of the day, not watching where he was going. His day had been miserable. Videl was busy, so he couldn’t see her today, Trunks was training with his father, Vegeta, the whole day, and he still had homework to do when he got home. He knew that when he got home his mother, Chi-Chi would yell the living crap out of him until he died. This was one of the many reasons why he didn’t want to go back home.

As he flew, he looked at his watch; the one Bulma had made for him so that he could be able to change into Saiyaman. It read 11:48 PM. It was no doubt, his mother was going to murder him when he got home. Gohan was about to power up and fly faster but he noticed someone strange on the sidewalk in town just below him. He stopped; wondering what on Earth was that pretty girl doing on the street at 11:48 PM. She was placing a small red orb in her pocket. At first he thought it was a Dragonball, but he saw the difference when he looked closer. For some reason, he couldn’t take his eyes off the young woman. Was he worried about her? How could he be worried if he didn’t even know who she was? Gohan gasped after sensing her ki. Her power level was enormous, rivaling his Super Saiyan level exactly. He guessed that she wasn’t even powered up yet, and he didn’t even want to begin to imagine what it would be when she did. He flew down, deciding to take a chance. He also tried lowering his power so that she wouldn’t sense him. He landed behind her, and she didn’t turn around, she continued walking. She either didn’t notice that he was even there, or she was just ignoring him. It was obviously the latter. “Uh…Miss?” He uttered. She stopped and turned her head. Her eyes were the same green that Super Saiyans had, but her eyes had an odd glow to them, a glow that he had never seen before. “What is it?” She asked. “You, uh, seem like you’re lost, do you need any help?” He asked. It was the only thing he could think of saying, and the words came out of his mouth terribly. “I’m fine. Thanks anyway.” “No prob.” Gohan got nervous, not sure what exactly this girl was up to. Why was she so powerful, and what was she doing in the middle of the night in a run down town like this one? Was she to be considered a threat to the planet? Or maybe…just maybe she could be of help to him and the Z Fighters. She didn’t seem like a bad person but her power seemed dark, cold, and empty. He didn’t know what to make out of it. The girl continued walking. Gohan shrugged and decided that tomorrow he would stop by the lookout and tell his mentor of this. Maybe he or Dende had sensed her presence too. Gohan flew away as fast as he could. He looked at his watch one more time. 11:55. His mother was going to kill him.

11:56. There was no way Cloud was going to go searching for her at 11:56 at night. He was tired. Besides, he wasn’t even sure if she actually existed, or if she was even still alive. He decided that he would search tomorrow. Tonight was not a good night to be going on a wild goose chase after a close relative of his most hated enemy. Tifa slowly entered the room, and sat on the bed next to him. She was worried about him. He seemed really stressed out lately. “You alright, Cloud?” She asked sweetly. “I don’t know. What if she’s going to destroy the Planet or something just like he did?” “If she is, you know we can stop her. Besides, there’s always the chance that she’s not. They said that she hardly even knew Sephiroth, so why would she go and do something like that?” “I…I just can’t take the chance Tifa. They said she was much stronger than he was.” Tifa rested her hand on his shoulder. “Just get some rest okay? We’ll find out tomorrow. Remember, I’ll be there with you, you’re not alone.” Tifa closed the door softly after leaving the small bedroom. Cloud sighed, not feeling right about any of this. The last thing he wanted was another Sephiroth running around, wreaking havoc. He shut his eyes, hoping that a few hours of sleep would relieve the giant headache he had at the moment. Thinking about his enemy usually gave him headaches, it always has. It was usually because Sephiroth always tried to manipulate him, but even though Sephiroth was dead, he still got headaches thinking back about him. It was an even worse headache when he thought about the possibility of this mysterious relative being just like him. Cloud didn’t want to have this migraine anymore so he thought about Aeris. Her sweet innocent face, that usually showed no signs of troubles at all. She was long dead now, killed by Sephiroth, and that fact made his head hurt even more. At times, he couldn’t even take it. He felt like taking his sword and slicing his own head off at times, and just end the headaches forever. But he couldn’t. He had a job to do. You see, just when Midgar was destroyed a couple of months back, one of Hojo’s “specimens” escaped right before the city got trashed and Shin-Ra was finished for good. Some of the Shin-Ra employees survived, and gave Cloud and his friends certain information about this “specimen.” One of the employees worked as a lab assistant and knew some stuff about her. They said that she had been a “specimen” for nearly 25 years. Cloud replayed the whole conversation in his head. The lab assistant told him exactly how it happened when she escaped.

“Oh no! Hojo’s gonna kill me!” The lab assistant shrieked. “She’s gone! I don’t believe it! She’s gone!” “How the hell did she escape!?” The 2nd lab assistant exclaimed. “And Meteor’s about to hit and everything!” “I think she sensed it coming.” “Could she be going after you know who?” “I have no idea.”

When Cloud asked the lab assistants what her name was, they said that she had no identification because Hojo never gave her a number. One reason was that she wasn’t even a clone of Sephiroth like Cloud was, and another reason was that she would never even let Hojo come near her with a tattoo. The lab assistants told Cloud that she would always loose control on purpose and blow things up when they tried putting on a tattoo.

“She would levitate things with her mind, she would set the lab on fire, and she would literally beat the living hell out of Hojo at times.” The lab assistant shivered at the thought of remembering all the damage she had caused. “Why is she so strong?” Cloud had asked, curious about this girl’s power. “Hojo said once that she was closely related to Sephiroth, but he never actually said how.”

Now Cloud made it his mission to see what this girl was up to. If she was anything like Sephiroth at all, he had to stop her. Who knows what she might do?