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Okay, so you're probably wondering, Who are these two crazy ass damned people giving out sex advice and answers?. Well, one of us is Jon. The other one is me. And since I can't really write a bio for Jon, I decided I would go ahead and write my own brief bio so as to let y'all know a little bit more about me. Jon will be providing his own bio. So, if you're interested in knowing more about me (as exciting as I am--not), read on.

Name: Aubrey (nickname: Aub, Aubs)
Age: 22
My Personal Web Site: Aubrey's World
Education: I am currently a student at the University of North Texas in the lovely town of Denton. I used to be a psych major, but that got kinda boring, so I switched to General Studies (so now I get to hear, "What the hell are you gonna do with that?" all the fucking time), which means I'm basically getting three minors instead of one major and one minor. I'm concentrating in Communications, Women's Studies, and Business Management. Odd mix, I know. :-) And about the women's studies...yes, I am a feminist, but I'm not a man-hater or anything like that. I could go on a rant about that, but I'm not gonna bore everyone to tears. So, anyway. Next topic, please.
Likes: Hot guys (what 22 year old heterosexual female doesn't appreciate a hot guy?), good music, good books, writing, swimming, flirting, kissing, orgasms, water, running around in the pouring down rain in the middle of the street, good movies, hanging out with friends, football, hockey, talking, photography, and I'm really beginning to like liquor
Dislikes: Ernest Hemingway, bad music, shoes, stuck-up people, rats, Ramen Noodle Soup, being told "you're like a sister to me" and "I respect you too much," rude people, slow drivers who don't use their turn signals, too much uncertainty

Okay, I know that's pretty basic and that you're probably sitting there wondering, "Okay, what makes her qualified to give me answers and facts about sex and relationships?" In all honesty, I'm probably not the most qualified person in the world, technically speaking, but I am 22 years old, and I do have a pretty healthy sex drive, so take it as you will. Besides, what makes Adam Carolla or Howard Stern truly "qualified" to do what they do? Not much. It's really just a matter of using your head and some common sense. Oh, and it doesn't hurt to be objective, too. :-)