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Last Updated: November 25, 2002--some layout changes, hope you like :-)

People better start asking us some questions, dammit.

Ever wonder what goes through the minds of two twenty-two-year-olds? Sex. And lots of it. Since we're so familiar with what goes on in our minds, we figured we would provide some services (not THOSE kinds of services--well, unless it's for the right amount of money) to our fellow twenty-somethings who are in search of the Holy Grail (so to speak). So, here it is, Aubrey and Jon's sex forum. If you have a question, we'll have an answer. Nothing is too wild to ask. Please feel free to express yourself freely and ask the questions you've never asked before but have always wanted to. So strap on your holster, Big Boy and get ready to fire away, because you're about to go on a wild ride.

Have a question or comment for Aubrey and Jon? Suggestions? Anything you would particulary like to see us have on this site? Email us at If you don't feel comfortable submitting your actual name, feel free to provide us with a pseudonym along with your real name (which we won't release to anyone, we promise). Also, if you don't want to use the email addy, feel free to submit a question via the guestbook (and feel free to make it a private entry, although your question will probably be posted on this site).

Note, all questions we receive and that we answer will be posted on this site. So if you don't want your name to be revealed, give us some kind of name we can use to identify you (even if it's something cheesy like "Bumpy Dilly-Whacker in Georgia" or "Itchy Hoo-Ha in Alaska"). We will answer every question we receive, so check back here often to see the new questions and answers.
~The Management~

*This site obviously contains material of a sexual nature (although nothing that could be considered X-Rated), so if you have a problem with that, feel free to leave and never come back, no one's gonna force you to look at anything or read anything.*

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**Neither Aubrey nor Jon is a licensed expert. Neither of us hold degrees, and we do not claim to know it all. Think of us as a mix between Howard Stern and Love Line.