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Why haven't y'all had any questions on this site in forever? Is it because y'all simply suck or because no one cares?
~Just Curious

Aubs' Reply
I think the answer is more that everyone else sucks. Or else they've figured out everything on their own. Or maybe no one else has any questions because they're not getting any or finding themselves in any situations that would be conducive to getting any. *shrugs* I dunno. But we need questions, dammit!

I'm in a really odd situation, and was referred to this web site by a friend of mine, who says you two give good advice. Anyway, here's the situation:

I've been with this guy for a while now, but our relationship is still a bit rocky. Things have been going good for the most part, but now I'm scared that I'm pregnant, even though I really don't have any reason to be, since my period isn't late and I'm using birth control. But I'm still scared. I'm not sure if I should say something to the guy I'm with before I know one way or the other, or if I should wait until I do know for sure. What do you two think?
~Scared to Death

Joint answer from both of us is basically this: There's no sense in freaking out the guy you're with if you don't know for sure. Just wait it out until you get your period or take a pregnancy test. In Jons' words: "better one person freakin' than two." Also, after discussing it a little bit, we both pretty much agree that it's fairly common for one or both partners to be a little scared after sex of pregnancy, especially if you really don't want one. So don't freak out too much, just wait and see what happens. Hopefully you'll get your period and you can breathe a sigh of relief. If not, take a pregnancy test. But don't freak out your boyfriend unnecessarily.


We would like to thank Rhonda for our Question and Answer graphics. All graphics (except the Roman Speaker and home button) were created by Rhonda exclusively for us to use on our web site. So thanks, Rhonda.