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The Go.Netscape.Viewer help page

Last updated 15 July 2001

For all the victims of the Gozilla ( Go!zilla ) bug, ( Go.Netscape.Viewer ) where your Netscape Downloads simply disappear, here is a guide to get your downloads working again.

This combination of text and graphics is designed to help even beginners on computers get rid of this annoying bug.

Please note, I am preparing this guide from my own experiences with this problem, and from memory. I have no intention to reinstall Gozilla in order to re-familiarise myself with the problem again!

Your feedback is welcome. Contact details are a bit further down.
Be aware, the download bug isn't the only problem that Gozilla has introduced to your system!! (more on that further on)

This guide is spread over 3 pages. Use the links at the bottom of each page to navigate between all 3 pages.

My apologies for the layout of these pages. I have to work within the confines of what this ISP will provide for free, and within my very limited knowledge of HTML.


Problem Description
Basic removal of Gozilla, via the Control Panel (this page)
The nitty gritty of removing Gozilla from your Windows Registry (if the above step was not enough) (pages 1,2,3)
(this will include) Creating a StartUp disc with a Backup/Restore program (pages 1,2)
Backing up your Registry (a safety precaution) (page 2)
Editing your Registry (needs to be done with care!!) (page 3)
Restoring the earlier Registry (only if you find you've made a mistake).
Restarting and testing your downloads (and toasting your success!). (page 3)
Getting rid of the Aureate / Radiate Trojan, which is using your bandwidth without your knowledge (page 3)
(this Trojan is only a hairs breadth short of being defined as a virus!!).
Introduction to Steve Gibsons Opt Out program. (page 3)
Introduction to Ad Aware. (page 3)
More about Steve Gibsons Research Group. (page 3)

The proceedure for you to transfer the Registry Backup programme from these pages to your machine is a bit tedious. It has occured to me since starting these pages that I could email the Backup/Restore batch file to anyone needing it. This is simpler.
Netscape downloads any email attachments in a different manner from the way the Browser downloads, and Gozilla has not screwed up the email function - making it a simple way to get the Registry Backup file.
Email me to request it if you want it, or alternatively, go through the steps on pages 1 and 2 to copy it onto a disc file yourself.

Remove all CAPITALISED letters in the following address in order to email me for the Backup file.

These are symptoms of the problem Go!zilla ( Gozilla ) causes Netscape users.

'Launching External Viewer'
Lost Downloads
Downloads that vanish without a trace - not in the temp folder, download cache, root directory, desktop, system folder - despite spending minutes (even hours) downloading the file! They simply are totally erased the moment the download is completed.

One option is to use Microsoft's Internet Explorer instead, but if you are like me, you do not appreciate having MS shove their browser on you, and you do not trust MS either. The MS Internet Explorer is frankly a slow, bug-laden browser that it is better to avoid. It also chokes badly when used for multiple downloads at once. I've seen a slowed down IE attempt about 5 times to correctly place an image on a downloaded page, before finally getting it in the right place after moving it 4 times. While this may seem trivial, and normally happens within the blink-of-an-eye, it is an example of the layering of bugs and patches that are typical of MS software, which is bogging down your machine, and cluttering your hard disc.

So you want to keep using Netscape. Good for you!
If you still want a download manager to resume broken downloads, then you can now use Netscape's Smart Download program instead. But you'd be best to get rid of all traces of the Gozilla bug FIRST.

So you have this extremely frustrating download problem. It's not Netscape's fault. Blame the folks that made Gozilla, and the folks at Aureate/Radiate who made the hidden Trojan that Gozilla delivers.

My own personal experience of this problem was when using Win95, but I assume it is the same problem regardless of your Windows version, and regardless of your Netsacpe Browser version, as the bug is left in your Windows Registry, not within Netscape or Gozilla itself.

Basic Gozilla Removal (part 1 of 3)

This first section is on the most basic step - removing Gozilla in the manner the Gozilla programmers designed. For some people this simple step will solve the problem, but for many people the more involved Regedit fix (further on) is needed, but try this step FIRST.

Click on your Start Button, point to Settings, and select Control Panel (either click, or double-click wherever necessary to activate each step).

Basic Gozilla Removal (part 2 of 3)

Next select Add/Remove Programs

Basic Gozilla Removal (part 3 of 3)

Click on the Install/Uninstall tab that comes up. Check for Gozilla / Go!zilla / Aureate / Radiate in the list of software that can be uninstalled. If they are there - click on each of them and click the Add/Remove button to get rid of each one (it is often advisable to shut down and restart Windows after each uninstall, rather than doing all the uninstalls, and restarting just once).

Close all programs, Shutdown your computer, and Restart.

See if your Netscape downloads will work now. (The Gozilla problem can be selective. It allowed me to download and save jpg (image) files, but not exe or zip files (which are typically larger, and more in need of a download manager). Find a biggish file of the type that Netscape was failing on, and start your download/save. If it has worked, you will no longer see the Go.Netscape.Viewer message.

If your problem has been fixed, please consider also getting rid of the Aureate / Radiate Trojan now. There is a section about this further on in these pages.

If your problem still remains, then the rest of these pages need your close attention, and you should study the steps that follow.

So, I assume your problem still exists if you are reading here.
There's still hope.

First an explanation.
Gozilla left a short trail of instructions inside the bowels of Windows (inside the Windows Registry). These instructions basically order Netscape to pass along the Save/Downloading function to a Gozilla program which is called Go.exe (depending on your Explorer settings, it may simply show among your Gozilla files as 'Go').
Netscape starts the download, and then tries to pass the remainder of the download job along to Go (as it has been told to do).
If Go is missing, malfunctioning, or has been moved to a different folder, the process of handing on the control of the download will fail. Without a program to take control of the download, it simply disappears from your system, because there isn't any program in control to save the file to disc. THIS IS NOT A FAULT OF NETSCAPE. IT IS A PROBLEM IN THE WAY GOZILLA HAS SETUP THE DOWNLOADING (there should have been a failsafe option if Go was not available).
You should now realise what the Go in Go.Netscape.Viewer is. It's Gozilla's Go.exe

So, our task is to REMOVE any Go.exe commands from the Windows Registry.
This is actually easy, but can be a bit slow and tedious on older, slower machines. The Registry is HUGE, and it can take Regedit (your Registry Editing program) a while to search through it for any 'Go.exe' entries.

ALSO A WARNING !!! If you make a mistake in your Registry, you may upset other aspects of Windows, or other programs that Windows has installed.
If you follow this guide carefully, you should manage without any grief. However, Registry bugs can be awfull (you're already here because of one Registry bug), so I am taking pains to take you safely through the process.
Ideally, we need to make a Backup Copy of the Windows Registry BEFORE we go any further, and prepare a way to put this backup copy back in place in the event that things might somehow go wrong.
(Skip the backup section if you wish, because it is a bit complicated and long-winded, but don't come crying to me if you screw it up, and do not have a backup! Your odds of screwing things up should be very low.)

Microsoft has done a terrible job of providing a consistent tool to backup and restore the Registry. While these backup tools do exist, they are not present in every version of Windows, and exist under a variety of names, and function in a variety of manners. I am not sufficiently familiar with every flavour of Windows to provide guides for each variation of Windows that exists. Additionally, there is a limit to how much space these guides can occupy!

Instead, I will guide you through the process of creating your own backup/restore disc. Yes, even a total novice can do this. You simply have to copy text off this page, and save it into a Notepad or Wordpad document which we will create. This can be done using the Copy and Paste functions that are available in Windows, and in your web browser. The only typing you have to do is to type in the filename which you will Save it as. The filename will be A:autoexec.bat

This file will be saved onto a BLANK FLOPPY DISC, and is a file that will be very easy to activate if Windows should fail later. DO NOT USE YOUR ORIGINAL WINDOWS STARTUP DISC - CREATE ANOTHER ONE FOR THIS TASK by using a BLANK floppy disc !!
(Floppy discs cost about a dollar each, and are usually available in bookstores, computer shops and supermarkets in packs of 10. If you don't have a disc to spare - GET ONE! Most modern machines use 3.5 inch discs)

I need to apologise to those more experienced users who may find this all very tedious, but I want to make this simple and relatively foolproof for total novices - the type of folks that think a mouse has 4 legs and teeth. So a lot of detail which you may find unnecessary is included here.

To check if your floppy disc is blank, and is formatted ready for use you will need to Explore your Floppy Drive, which is given the tag A: by Windows.

Insert the floppy disc - it only fits in one way - don't force it - it slides in easily once you have it the right way around, and the right way up. Normally the round disc faces down, and the end with the sliding plate goes in first. Push it all the way in. Older machines may have a small hinged handle that must be turned over the mouth of the drive in order to 'close' the disc inside the drive.

Explore the floppy disc now.
Do this by using your RIGHT mouse button - the one you seldom use. RIGHT click on your START button (see the picture offscreen above-right), and select Explore.

Inside the Explorer window that appears you will probably have to slide the scroll bar upwards in order to see your Floppy Disc Drive (A:) near the top of the list, which is pictured in blue. It will be shown in blue once you click on it, and the panel to the right will then show you any files that are on the disc.

You neeed to click on the Floppy Disc Drive as pictured (for the moment, ignore the list of options in the grey box).

If the disc is in a fit state to use, you will see a list of the files that are already on the disc (or no files at all if the disc is blank). Note that the picture here shows a blank disc - there are no filenames shown in the Name column.

If the disc is not empty - close the Explorer window. Find another disc, and restart your Explorer (right-click the Start button again, and scroll up to A:) to once again check that it is blank and formatted.

Alternatively, if the disc is brand new, and unformatted (or faulty) you might get the message that the disc cannot be read, and must be formatted. It is OK to format the disc. Be warned however, that formatting will remove ALL data that is on the disc. Naturally this is not a problem if you are using a new or a blank disc as I've already asked.

Again, I which to emphasise that you should NOT use any discs that are not blank, and do not use your original Windows Startup Disc - keep them tucked away for other times when you may need them.

If you have a BLANK disc, and are not prompted to format it, then simply RIGHT-CLICK on the
Floppy Disc (A:)
line, and the box that pops up will give you the Format option.
Formatting will ensure that the disc is 100% effective, and will ensure that the disc only contains the essential files that are needed.

**** IMPORTANT **** Take care that you do NOT format the C: disc drive, which is normally displayed directly beneath the A: disc drive. You need to ensure that it is the A: drive that is selected. (Windows has some extra safety steps in place to help avoid accidentally formatting C:, so don't panic, just take care that you are always working with A: when formatting.

More floppy disc formatting help is on the next page. Please check that page before proceeding with your format.

Follow the link to Page 2 (below) to get to the next step of the instructions.

[ Page 1 ] [ Page 2 ] [ Page 3 ]