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Register, Notarize, Publish, and Register proof of Publication of Your DBA Statement, Certificate of Assumed Business Name, Ficticious Firm Name, Doing Business As, and / or DBA business certificate.  

Register your DBA form in Alabama, Alaska,  Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky,  Louisiana,  Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio Oklahoma,  Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee,  Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

AB | AK | AL | AR | AZ | BC | CA | CO | CT | DC | DE | FL | GA | HI | IA | ID | IL | IN | KS | KY | LA | LB | MA | MB | MD | ME | MI | MN | MO | MS | MT | NB | NC | ND | NE | NF | NH | NJ | NM | NS | NT | NJ | NV | NY | OH | OK | ON | OR | PA | PE | PQ | RI | SC | SD | SK | TN | TX | UT | VA | VT | WA | WI | WV | WY |

We are the nation’s premier online DBA legal document service.

For many years we’ve helped thousands of satisfied customers prepare their corporations and LLCs, DBAs doing business as, Business Licences and tax documents. In fact, a large part of our business comes from satisfied customers' referrals.

That's because FBNUSA, business licensing company  is much more than just a Registering service employing ordinary paralegals.  Though we are not a law firm nor we give legal advice, we employ legal document professionals to prepare and review your documents before they are Registered .

We’re a complete, thorough, and professional business legal  document formation service. From start to finish we complete the forms, notarize them, Register them, legally publish them and Register proof of publication.

We do the following: 

(1) We prepare the legal document.

(2) We send our agent to you to notarize your DBA (if required). 

(3) Then, we Register, record, and register your assumed, trade, or DBA, DBA certificate with the appropriate government agency.

(4) If required, we will perform a local or state level business name search to see if your trade name is available (in most cases we do the business name search anyway).

(5) We publish your trade name for 4 weeks in a legal newspaper,  and

(6) We mail you the certified  copies so you can open a bank account.  In some cases, we may fax your or scan and email you the Registered , certified copies of your Trade Name Registration Certificate.

(7) Finally, after the DBA statement form is notarized, Registered , mailed and legally published, we will Register an officially, government certified copy of the proof of the dba certificate newspaper publication with appropriate government agency as required by law.

 In most States, regular registration Registering takes 4-8 business days (e.g., California), but in some states it may take 10 -20 business days because the government processing takes longer - it is not our service that takes longer.  Where it is permitted by the government, there is same day Registering for an extra fee - add about $200 to regular price.