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Business Legal Structure

DBA / Trade Business Name Filing Federal Tax Id  EIN State Tax Id EIN Reseller's License Business License Corporation / LLC Filing

Sole Owner or Partnership with  employees & selling taxable items x  1* x x x x  
Sole Owner / Partnership/ Selling Taxable Items - no employees x 1*      x x  
Sole Owner / Partnership/ with employees - not selling taxable items x  1* x x   x  
Sole Owner / Partnership/ no employees and not selling taxable items x  1*       x  

1. * (Required if you do business in a name other than your own personal name)  -  Bold "X" = All Business Need It



Corporation / LLC  with  employees & selling taxable items


x  1*











 Corporation / LLC with employees - not selling taxable items x  1* x x   x x
Corporation / LLC Selling taxable items - no employees x  1* x   x x x
Corporation / LLC  no employees and not selling taxable items x  1* x     x x


1. *(Required if you do business in a name other than your own personal name - for example if you do business as your name (Al Pacone) you don't need a Ficticious business.  However, if you business  name is "John's Consulting" you need a DBA / trade / DBA  Registered .  (Required if the corporations do business in a name other than the corporation's name... here )

*You need a Corporation or A DBA if you do business in a name other than your own personal name
*(you need it if you don't want to use your soc. sec. # to open a bank account - note: you are required to have it if you are a corporation)  Note that all businesses need a Business Licence and are advised to obtain a federal tax id to open a bank account.


In general, corporations need a federal tax id and a Business Licence;

Employers need a federal tax id, a state tax id and a Business Licence;

Wholesalers or retailers of  tangible taxable items need a seller's permit / Sales Tax Id and a Business Licence;

Individuals, partnerships, and corporations need a trade name Registered if the business name used is different from personal or legal name.

Note that all businesses need a Business Licence and are advised to obtain a federal tax id to open a bank account.


Example 1: you are an individual that sells toys, and you business name is not your personal first and last name - you need a seller's permit, a Business Licence and a trade / DBA Registered .

Example 2. You are a partnership that provides consulting services,  and has employees.  You are required to have a federal tax id EIN, a state tax id EIN, a Business Licence, and a DBA.

Example 3. You are a corporation selling widgets on eBay, but have no employees - you need a federal tax id, a Business Licence, and a seller's permit.  Note that if your corporate name is different from your online business name, you also need a trade / DBA Registered ( example you are "Xyz, inc"  doing business as "Widgets Online Are Us").

"x" means that you need to Register this legal document

Do I need a Corporation or a DBA?

What is The Process of Buying and Receiving these Documents?  

copyright 2002  FBNUSA.  California Incorporation  California Incorporations xkr essex, inc src="images/arrow.GIF" width="1" height="1" alt="california incorporation california llc operating agreement forms documents form dba doing business as fictitious business name fbn filing publishins incorporating in california incorporating in nevada incorporation legal document dba registration, DBA filings, d.b.a, los angeles fictitious business name, county, doing business as, fbn, los angeles, orange county, san francisco doing business as, dba, d.b.a, los angeles, LA, orange county, orange, san diego, ficticious san francisco, fictitious, business name, fictitious business name, fbn california incorporation california llc operating agreement forms documents form dba doing business as fictitious business name fbn filing publishinsin corporating in california incorporating in nevada incorporation legal document llc formation llc incorporation nevada llc