Business Legal Structure |
DBA / Trade Business Name Filing | Federal Tax Id EIN | State Tax Id EIN | Reseller's License | Business License | Corporation / LLC Filing |
Sole Owner or Partnership with employees & selling taxable items | x 1* | x | x | x | x | |
Sole Owner / Partnership/ Selling Taxable Items - no employees | x 1* | x | x | |||
Sole Owner / Partnership/ with employees - not selling taxable items | x 1* | x | x | x | ||
Sole Owner / Partnership/ no employees and not selling taxable items | x 1* | x | ||||
1. * (Required if you do business in a name other than your own personal name) - Bold "X" = All Business Need It |
Corporation / LLC with employees & selling taxable items |
x 1* |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
Corporation / LLC with employees - not selling taxable items | x 1* | x | x | x | x | |
Corporation / LLC Selling taxable items - no employees | x 1* | x | x | x | x | |
Corporation / LLC no employees and not selling taxable items | x 1* | x | x | x | ||
1. *(Required if you do business in a name other than your own personal name - for example if you do business as your name (Al Pacone) you don't need a Ficticious business. However, if you business name is "John's Consulting" you need a DBA / trade / DBA Registered . (Required if the corporations do business in a name other than the corporation's name... here ) |
*You need a Corporation or A DBA if you do business in a name other than your own personal name | ||||||
*(you need it if you don't want to use your soc. sec. # to open a bank account - note: you are required to have it if you are a corporation) Note that all businesses need a Business Licence and are advised to obtain a federal tax id to open a bank account. | ||||||
"x" means that you need to Register this legal document Do I need a Corporation or a DBA? What is The Process of Buying and Receiving these Documents? |