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DBA Frequently Asked Questions
The Price and Methods of Payment
check out, the form asks for a company name. Is this the name of my DBA?
Depending on your state, we send a representative to your home or office. He or she presents the dba form to you, you sign the dba and then he or she takes it for Registering and publication. If you are close to one of our locations or partners, we simply direct you to mail it there. In such case, normally, it takes a day to get to our office.
Yes! After you pay you receive a confirmation email. Depending on your state, we may send a representative to your home or office. He or she presents the dba form to you, you sign the dba and then he or she takes it for Registering and publication. If you are close to one of our locations or partners, we simply direct you to mail it there. In such case, normally, it takes a day to get to our office.Where can I find the Ficticious name form?
- After payment, you receive a confirmation and the downloadable completed forms. Back to Top
Is it hard to fill out the form?
- We normally fill out the form for you. Back to Top
When will I be able to open a bank account?
- After we Apply, Register & Get it and publish it we send you a receipt for payment for publication (if applicable in your state) and an original certified copy of the Registered dba - that is all you need to open a bank account. Back to Top
Do I need a DBA?
- Yes, if you are an individual or partnership, and you do business in a name other than your own personal name (s). Back to Top
- Yes, if you are a corporation, and you do business in a name other than your corporations' or LLC's name (s). Example: your corporation's name is "XYZ, Inc." and you use the name "Los Angeles TV Sales," you need a dba Registered under your corporation.
- You need a dba if you want to open a business bank account under the business' name.
What if my business name already exists?
- Then you will have to choose another name. Remember that the important thing now is to Apply, Register & Get your dba, or corporation, to open a bank account and to start your business. Just choose any viable name. You can change your business name later at anytime your want.
- Note that you cannot secure the use of a name by Registering a dba. You only secure it in the region you provide the service or product under your business name. To secure it nationwide, you need to provide a service or sell a product under that name nationwide and Apply, Register & Get a trademark. Just provide an alternate name in the form you will fill online. AFTER payment, we will sent you a link to go online and search at the local level, and the state, corporate level for availability of your business name. Back to Top
What if I pay first and my name is not available?
If you are a small business just starting out, get ANY DBA, then get your bank account, get your merchant account, and start making some money. Back to Top
I am planning to form a corporation and the Ficticious name will be under the corporation. Do I still need a Ficticious name?
- Yes if the dba name is different than the corporation name. If so, and you want to start right away under the dba name, keep in mind a corporation takes considerably longer to form. A dba Registered as an sole owne is the fastest and least expensive way to start accepting checks in the name of the business. Later when your business is better, you may want to form a corporation and Apply, Register & Get another Ficticious name under it. Back to Top
Information about a DBA Statement (FBN) or a "Doing Business As" (DBA) By the way there is no difference between a DBA Statement (FBN) Assumed Business Name, Firm Name or a "Doing Business As" (DBA)
A DBA is simply a Registering and publication by the business or individual under which the DBA operates. Back to Top
It tells the community that John Doe, who lives on 1 Somewhere St. in LONG BEACH, CA 90853, operates a business called "Getoll De Muny," and his business address is 1 Nowhere St, Los Angeles California 90000.
So now people and banks can trust you and issue checks in the company's name and the bank will open a bank account and let you cash the checks. NOTE THE BANK will not open a bank account unless you have a
DBA - which is simply a Registering and publication of the business or individual under which the DBA operates. Back to Top"DBA" means "Doing Business As..." A person or a company is using a business name other than their personal or corporation name.
Example: Boby Mafioso starts a business called "Rob 'em and Cheat 'em". Obviously, he does not want his name to be associated with the business name , so a DBA registration is required, unless he uses "Boby Mafioso" or even Boby Mafioso, the Robber" as his business name because in the latter case his real name is incorporated in the business name. Back to Top
Is a Ficticious name same as a Business Licence No. A Business Licence is simply a flat rate business tax fee by local governments or the state or both in most cases. The fee depends on the type of business and ranges between $50 and thousands of dollars depending on the locality and the nature of the business. For example, an attorney, is required to be licensed by the State Bar and pay a flat annual fee.
In addition, he has to pay local government fees for each location maintained, promote and do business in - i.e., must have a physical location - you can do business in other cities without a license (in most cases) so long as your don't have a physical location there. That is the case form most regulated professions. On the other hand a typical business is required to pay business tax only to the local government and the fee is about $100 to $200 dollars for most businesses, unless you do business in a rich area like LONG BEACH where you have to pay more.
A Ficticious name is simply a legally required Registered and published Statement that you do business under a name other than your own personal name. It is used to transact business under that name and collect money in the form of checks or credit cards based on a business bank account with the DBA. For example, the bank will not open a bank account in a name other than your own personal name unless you have a Registered and published DBA statement as required by law. Back to Top
How you will Apply, Register & Get and publish my DBA
Here's what this process includes:
It all depends on the state you are in. In most states, after you purchase our service, you receive a confirmation email. Then we fill out the form and we either bring it to you to sign it or we email the completed form to you. If you are close to one of our locations or partners, we simply direct you to mail it there. In such case, normally, it takes a day to get to our office. At any rate, after you sign the form, we will pay the fees and notarize (if required), Apply, Register & Get , publish (if required), and send you the certified, Registered original copies.
Take these documents and open a bank account. Then, we Apply, Register & Get a proof of publication.
I have a corporation can I Apply, Register & Get a Ficticious name under it?
- Yes. The registrant of the Ficticious name will be the corporation and you will sign as the officer of the corporation.
Do you Apply, Register & Get notarize AND publish the Ficticious name for the price stated?
- Yes.
So you do everything? What do I have to do in this process to Apply, Register & Get my Ficticious name certificate? You just sign the form. Then, we notarize it, Apply, Register & Get it, publish it, send you the certified Registered receipts, (so you can open a bank account )and we finally Apply, Register & Get a proof of publication a month later.
Which Newspaper (s) do you use to publish my Ficticious name?
- We have several legally adjudicated papers that we do business with.
How long does it take to Apply, Register & Get and publish a Ficticious name?
5-8 business days for a regular Registering - may take longer in some states or counties. Back to Top What Does the Dba Registering include?
Everything: Fees for Registering it, notarization, publication, mailing you the receipts, and Registering proof of publication.
Is it safe to order online? Which major credit cards are accepted? Company Name: No, if you mean the form you fill to give your credit card information, it is the company that the credit card is issued to, unless it is your personal credit card in which case just disregard it. Back to Top
- Payment Information
Is it safe to order online?
Which major credit cards are accepted?DBA Ficticious Names
We the fastest, (takes us about 4-8 business days to Apply, Register & Get your dba) most reliable, and most professional service in the United States.
Same Day Registering and Expedited Services
Others may take A MONTH to Apply, Register & Get your dba. Ask them how long it will take them before you purchase it.
In most states, it takes us about 4-8 business days to Apply, Register & Get your dba. The Registering of the dba takes about 5-8 days but could take as little as 2-4 days. Note, is some states or counties that the government process is slow, it may take 8-14 business days to Apply, Register & Get . Back to Top
Back to TopWe simply have very few employees that work very hard and our packages contain the necessary documents without the fancy and unnecessary items other services give you.
Is it safe to order online?
Our Merchant account is handled by They make sure all transactions processed are safe by using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption standard. Using a SSL compliant browser such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer or Netscape's Navigator and you will be able to conduct encrypted transactions on our website.
In every instance that you submit your payment information to a merchant using the ECHO secure payment gateway, you can be assured that your credit card or check information is being transmitted from the merchant's secure Web site to ECHO using the industry-standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology. SSL prevents the information from being intercepted by another party. For more information, please read the ECHO privacy policy.
Which major credit cards are accepted?
We currently accept checks ( online and offline), Master card, Visa and AMEX.