It's SOOOO gay

How do you have a channel about women without any hardcore lesbian porn? Not even a decent fisting every once in a while. Fox has fisting. Why not Lifetime?

Women do 3 things while watching lifetime...lactate, bitch to their drunken abusive boyfriends about how they neglect their feminine crap, and take home pregnancy tests.

Bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch. That's all I hear from anyone that watches lifetime. I used to blame all women troubles on "that time of the month." Now I blame lifetime and haggen dazs. Betty Crocker has the right idea. Encourage women to bake and do nothing else.

Pardon my misogyny and blatant homophobic locution, but this is some gay pussy shit. This is worse than any show the combined efforts of Ellen and Rosie O'Donnel could put together. This is what a kangaroo would look like beating up both of them. God Bless America for sporatic violence.

So, what have we learned today? Lifetime is for obese Oprah fans. Chew down on your chips ahoy, you fridge pirates.
