The Best Resource for Promoting Your Website
This is a special plug for a FANTASTIC resource for promoting your site.
Even if you have no need for promoting a site, but design pages for ANY
reason, there is great information here that you should check out.
Here's some of the text from his page, by way of description:
If you want more people to visit your website, you must know how to create
search-engine-friendly webpages, and then submit your URL to all the major
search engines. That's what this site is all about.
is the net's leading resource for do-it-yourself Web Promotion. Here you
will find all the information and automatic submission tools you need to
do the job quickly, efficiently, and most of all, properly! If you invest
a little time into reading and using this resource, you'll not only do a
much better job of promoting your site, but save yourself a lot of time
and effort in the process.
So go see it...use it...and if it does the job for you, give him something for it! This is one of the most worthwhile sites I know of on the net.