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Katie Downton's Homepage!!

My Pets.. Past + Present

This page is dedicated to my budgie Holly , you wouldn't think a budgie is much fun to have as a pet. But trust me, they're great!!!

If you have a budgie from a young age, you will have many years of fun and success! When you first get them they seem quiet and scared, but after a few weeks they soon become chirpy and want to be let out of the cage!!

After about two weeks we let Holly out of the cage, she had a few accidents, she flew into the windows, mirrors, and ornaments ; we soon learned our lesson about the ornaments!!!! But after a week or so she had settled in and knew her way around the room.

We bought our Holly sometime during June 01, after our Billy (green and yellow budgie) passed away.... We named her Holly because she was born and bred in Holland, she came over to England at about 6 weeks old..

She's really funny , she does some of the weirdest things, she seems to enjoy climbing all over our blinds, dangling upside down in her cage and on our chandelers! She also likes looking at her self through the mirror and having a bath in a shallow bowl of water!!

We are hoping to learn Holly to talk, I think she is trying to at the minute, I keep hearing her trying to say her name.

She is fairly naughty, she loves walking all over your food, when your not looking, and pecking at your jewellery, she puts her claw on her head and rolls over at the bottom of her cage! never the less she's great!!

This is Joey ,he passed away about three years ago, he was a great talker, he was also very tame, you could pick him up, stroke him , feed him out of your hand... You could do everything with him!!

Pictures of Our Dogs which are no longer with us...

Sadly we can not have any more dogs or other animals with fur because at the age of seven I developed an allergy to fur..... :-(