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Thank you for adding your site to our database, and for providing a link back to our directory. Below you will find graphics and code to place on your site. Once your site is approved and your reciprocal link verified, it will normally be listed in the Love seekers! directory within 3 to 7 days. If you have any further questions for us, please feel free to contact our Webmaster.

A few simple requirements: Our graphic link must be on the page you wish us to link to, or on a links page with other directories. If, for example, is listed on your homepage, but our graphic is placed on another page, we will not list your site. Only one listing per site will be accepted, and we DO check for duplicate listings. Please DESCRIBE your site. Advertising copy will not be accepted. Kindly ensure our graphic is placed BEFORE submitting your site. If it isn't there, your submission will be deleted.

NOTE: Love seekers reserves the right to remove, modify or decline acceptance of any site we deem unacceptable.

Please save one of our graphics to your hard drive and link to "Partner with Love seekers! as shown below.

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