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Mark J. Spalding Consulting Experience



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    Advertisement re:Mitsubishi


    "Since the days at NRDC together, you have always been such a positive force - acting to ground the ideosyncratic "shoot-from the hip / aim for the foot" enviro's that are usually in the majority. I remember so many conversations where folks on our team would spout out "facts" that you could show through thoughtful reasoning were actually myths.
    The most important aspect of this campaign is that we had a great time in the process; and you were a large part of the reason."

    Jared Blumenfeld, Director of Habitat Program, International Fund for Animal Welfare


    Representative clients (1991 - present):

    The Asia Foundation

    San Francisco, California

    • International dispute resolution research regarding trade and environment issues.


    Border Environment Cooperation Commission

    Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua

    • Consultant for legal and policy advice to technical assistance grant recipients.


    Environmental Defense

    Oakland, California

    • Research and technical consultant for a project to test the use of vessel monitoring systems in the Sea of Cortez to enforce the boundaries of marine reserves


    Institute of the Americas

    La Jolla, California

    • Consultant on Cuba transition and integration policies.
    • Assisted in preparations for the Second International Conference on Privatization in Latin America and for the Latin American Environmental and Hemispheric Technological Cooperation Conference.
    • Prepared official report on the privatization conference.


    Inter-American Development Bank

    Washington, D.C.

    • Prepared briefing paper/talking points for President of the Bank regarding US/Mexico Border Environmental Infrastructure issues for a border infrastructure conference sponsored by the US Department of Commerce and the Mexican Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development.
    • Contracted to assist in research and writing of two reports evaluating the bank's development projects for the board of directors. Statistical evaluation and policy analysis of the bank's social sector loans regarding the affect of community participation and the alleviation of poverty.
    • Designed study, and researched and wrote report evaluating the bank's procurement of consultant services.


    International Fund for Animal Welfare

    Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts

    • Research and drafting of report on third-party laboratory certification of Chinese Traditional Medicine suppliers for compliance with CITES
    • Strategy advice regarding anti-whaling campaign
    • Strategy advice and research support for work to conserve gray whale habitat near Sakahlin Island, Russia
    • Strategy advice regarding protection of Russian World Heritage site in Siberia
    • Prepared strategy and initial business plan for IFAW entry in Latin America
    • Researched and prepared report on whale watching laws in North America
    • Represented IFAW and served as rapporteur at workshop entitled "Legal Aspects of Whale Watching" in Punta Arenas, Chile


    International Fund for Animal Welfare, Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts; and Natural Resources Defense Council, International Program Washington, D.C.

    Advisor for the successful campaign to save Laguna San Ignacio ("The most significant [environmental] victory of our generation." - Cox News)


    National Environmental Policy Institute

    Washington, D.C.

    • Conference preparations consultant "NAFTA: Environmental Impacts Beyond the Borders"
    • Editor for book on NAFTA and the Environment


    National Wildlife Federation

    Washington, D.C.


    Natural Resources Defense Council, International Program

    Washington, D.C.

    Consultant regarding Mexican environmental issues

    Participating in campaign to limit noise pollution in the oceans

    • Lead strategy advisor and research support for the international aspects for campaign to reduce noise/acoustic pollution in the ocean

    Participation in campaign to protect Okinawan dugong habitat

    • Lead strategy advisor on campaign to prevent construction of floating heliport in sensitive habitat.

    Participated in the campaign to save Clayoquot Sound:

    • Prepared briefing materials on the US-Canada softwood lumber trade dispute for the Clinton Administration's Pacific Northwest Conference (the Forest Summit) and for the Vice President's meetings with the Prime Minister of British Columbia. Briefed members of Congress regarding policy produced by the Forest Summit.
    • Researched and authored "Trade and the Environment: The British Columbian Timber Trade Example."
    • Served as escort for six Native American chiefs of the First Nations of Canada in briefing visits to US Senators regarding trade in natural resources.

    General legal/policy research and analysis on international trade and environment issues. Draft reports, position papers, and Congressional testimony for presentations to the executive and legislative branches, as well as the media. Brief senior attorneys and policy analysts on international trade issues. Respond to media inquiries on trade and environment issues.

    • Assisted in coordinating environmental NGO input for Vice President Gore's National Performance Review (Reinventing Government Task Force) on Environmental Protection Agency issues. Provided advice to the task force on alternative financing mechanisms, pollution prevention, and international environmental issues.
    • Assisted in research and drafting of NRDC's proposals for a North American Commission on the Environment presented to the US Trade Representative. Acted as spokesperson for NRDC at high-level meetings with the USTR, the EPA, and the Department of Justice regarding the NAFTA environmental side agreement. Drafted proposed language for the side agreement on citizens' rights-to-know and citizen enforcement of environmental laws and regulations.
    • Assisted in research and drafting of NRDC's proposals related to the Border Environment Cooperation Commission and North American Development Bank.
    • Assisted in research and drafting of NRDC's follow-up on the environmental aspects of the Summit of the Americas process.
    • Assisted in research and drafting of "Biodiversity Flashpoints in the Americas."
    • Assisted in research and drafting of "The Greening of North American Trade - Four Years Later: A Report Card on Implementation of the NAFTA Environmental Package."
    • Co-chaired a roundtable discussion on financing Agenda 21 at the first meeting of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development.
    • Work closely with the Consortium for Action to Protect the Earth (CAPE 2000), a coalition of six major US environmental organizations to follow up on the UN Conference on Environment and Development.
    • Prepared detailed listing of threats to natural protected areas in Mexico.
    • Contracted to develop project related to energy and the environment in Mexico


    The Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development

    Berkeley, California


    Nolte Associates, Inc.

    San Diego, California

    • Research support and advice for project to define minimum requirements for project compliance with Border Environment Cooperation Commission sustainable development criteria
    • Advice on US and Mexican and transboundary environmental law and policy regarding technical assistance to communities developing environmental infrastructure for Border Environment Cooperation Commission certification


    North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation

    Montreal Quebec, Canada


    North American Development Bank

    San Antonio, Texas


    Ocean Wilderness Network

    Santa Cruz, California

    • Contracted to develop a strategic plan for a campaign to foster the creation of a network of marine reserves along the Oregon State coastal area


    Practical Environmental Risk Management

    La Jolla, California

    • General policy research and analysis regarding recommendations to the North American Development Bank on the use of alternative technologies in NADBank financed border environmental infrastructure projects.


    Pro Esteros

    Ensenada, Baja California

    • Assisted in research and preparation of comments on successful challenge to an environmental impact assessment regarding a tourism resort complex at San Quintín, Baja California.
    • Advisor on legal issues and fundraising.


    Project Concern International

    San Diego, California

    • Assisted international health care and development non-profit register and learn to bid for projects financed by the World Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
    • Advisor on US/Mexico border environmental health issues.


    La Ruta de Sonora

    Tucson, Arizona

    • Legal advisor for non-profit ecotourism provider.


    South North Development Initiatives

    New York, New York

    • Consultant on expansion of programs to strengthen the financial base of non-governmental organizations and community based organizations.


    Southwest Research and Information Center

    Albuquerque, New Mexico


    Independent Actions

    • Exemplar member of plaintiff Cetacean Society International for NRDC et. al. v. Evans (United States District Court, Northern District Of California Civil Action No. C 02-3805 EDL), a lawsuit to halt the deployment of the US Navy's Low Frequency Active Sonar system (2002)
    • Advisor to Mexican Chamber of Deputies on drafting of federal regulation for licensing of Liquefied Natural Gas receiving facilities (2002)
    • Advisor to Mexican Chamber of Deputies on federal whale watch regulation revisions. (1999)
    • Advisor to Senator Barbara Boxer´s staff on trade and the environment issues. (1999)
    • Advisor to Governor Gray Davis´ staff regarding California-Mexico relations on environmental issues. (1999)
    • Advisor regarding the legal challenge to Border Patrol construction of additional fences and roads through protected areas of the US-Mexico border region. (1998 - present)
    • Solicited grassroots support for North American Development Bank funding. Initiated successful telephone, e-mail and letter writing campaign, and personally solicited Senate and House support for replacement of the 1996 NADBank appropriation of $56.25 million deleted from HR 1868. Searched Congressional Record on a daily basis for developments and reported same to subscribers to Beccnet listserver. (1995)


    Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003 Mark J Spalding

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