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Mark J. Spalding Conference and Lectures



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    Mark J. Spalding and Friends


    "The environmental crises we face provide us with the most singular opportunity for greatness ever offered to any generation in any civilization."
    Roger Payne


    Other Academic Experience

    United States Information Agency Washington, D.C.
    • Organized and lead five-month speaker series on Economic Integration and the Environment (2000).
    • Lecture for economic and trade specialists of 12 developing nations on an update of NAFTA's economic impacts (1999).
    • Lecture for economic ministers of 13 Latin American nations on trade liberalization, NAFTA, FTAA and the environment (1998).
    • Ten day training program for the Bolivian Ministry of Sustainable Development and Environment, the National Secretariat of Education, the National Academy of Sciences and the National University of San Simon (1996).
    • Arnet television special Sustainable Development on the US/Mexico Border (1996).
    • Worldnet Dialogue television program, Our Environment regarding "Green Trade: Reconciling Trade and the Environment"(1993)


    Forum facilitator for “Ecotourism Regulation and Monitoring” for two week online conference Sustainable Ecotourism in North America, May 2000.


    Guest Lectures

    • Trends in Environmental Grantmaking for the American Zoo and Aquarium Annual Conference, 2002
    • Looking Below the Surface - How Marine Issues Impact all Funders for the Environmental Grantmakers Association, 2002
    • International Environmental Law for the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, 2002
    • Environmental Campaign Strategies for the Alaska Oceans Network, 2001.
    • Environmental Campaign Strategies for the Surfrider Foundation, 2001.
    • The Impact of Globalization on Environmental Sustainability in San Diego-Tijuana for the National Federation of Wildlife and the Planning and Conservation League, 2001.
    • Regulation of Whale Watching for the Friends of the San Juans, 2001.
    • A successful campaign: Saving Laguna San Ignacio for the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, 2001.
    • Environment and Development in Baja California Communities for USD Social Issues Conference, 2000.
    • Shared Environmental Priorities? for a Cross-Border Urban Integration conference, 2000.
    • Whales, Redwoods and Salmon for the Wallace Stegner Environment Center, 1999.
    • Bi-National Law, Policy and Cooperation for Environmental Law at the Border conference, 1999.
    • Baja California culture and the environment for Coastal Zone 99 conference, 1999.
    • US-Mexico Border cooperation on natural resources protection for EPA speakers series, 1999.
    • DOI-SEMARNAP pilot projects and border region adjacent protected natural areas cooperation for the Annual Border Encuentro, 1999.
    • US-Mexico border environmental institutions for International Border Regions in Transition conference, 1999.
    • Future challenges for the US-Mexico border environment for a Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy congressional briefing, 1998.
    • NAFTA and environmental cooperation for the North American Integration and Development Center, 1998.
    • Human rights and the environment for the Environment Committee of the San Diego-Tijuana Region, 1998.
    • The history of U.S.-Mexico environmental cooperation and future projections for the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade, 1998.
    • Environmental issues associated with U.S.-Mexican economic integration for the Pacific Council on International Policy, 1998.
    • American Cetacean Society on Laguna San Ignacio, 1998.
    • California State University Long Beach on NAFTA, fast track and the environment, 1997.
    • California Regional Water Quality Control Board presentation on BECC/NADBank, 1997.
    • UCLA symposium on the free trade area of the Americas and the environment, 1997.
    • City of Tijuana seminar on desarrollo sustentable para funcionarios, 1997.
    • CILAS, UCSD symposium on Latin American and the Pacific Rim, 1997.
    • USD Environmental Law Society on international environmental law policy and trends, 1996.
    • UCSD conference panel on economic integration - NAFTA and APEC, 1996.
    • Udall Center Symposium on sustainable development along the US-Mexico border, 1996.
    • United Nations Local Prepcom for Habitat II, 1996.
    • EPA/SEMARNAP domestic and binational Border XXI public input meetings, 1995-1996.


    Miscellaneous Lectures

    • UCSD Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, 1995.
    • USC, School of Law, 1995.
    • San Diego County Bar Association, International Law Section, 1995.
    • California Bar Environmental Law Section's Annual Yosemite Institute, 1994, 1995, 1997, and 1999.
    • Nevada State Bar Association, 1995.
    • Reno World Trade Council, 1995.
    • California Bar Section Education Institute, 1995.
    • Hastings College of Law, 1989.
    • University of San Francisco's School of Law, 1989.


    Copyright © 2001, 2002 Mark J Spalding

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