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  • Mark J. Spalding

    "Unauthorized Mexican Immigrants and Business-Generated Environmental Hazards in Southern California" published in Critical Planning (Vol. 8, Summer 2001 with Enrico Marcelli and Grant Power)

    "Report of the Workshop on the Legal Aspects of Whale Watching," (1998 with Anna Moscrop) [Submitted to the International Whaling Commission by the Workshop chair, and member of the UK delegation to the IWC, Pat Birnie (Grenada 1999, Doc. No. IWC/51/WW1)].

    "Lessons from NAFTA for APEC" Journal of Environment & Development Vol. 6, No. 3 September 1997. Pages 252-275.

    "Trade and the Environment: The British Columbian Timber Trade Example" published in the Review of European Community and International Environmental Law by the Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development. (September 1995)

    "Transparency of Environmental Regulation and Public Participation in the Resolution of International Environmental Disputes" published in the Santa Clara Law Review. (Vol. 35, No. 4 1995)

    "Resolving International Environmental Disputes: Public Participation and the Right-to-Know" published in the Journal of Environment and Development. (February 1995)

    "Is a Threat to Lloyd's of London also a Threat to the Environment?" published in the Journal of Environment and Development. (June 1993)

    In progress: "Salt Production and the Proposed Laguna San Ignacio Saltworks: Is it worth it?" (with Nadja Marinova)


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