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  • Mark J. Spalding

    Here is an index of articles where Mark J Spalding has been quoted. Click on each individual article title for more information. The articles are ordered with the most recent first and this page will evolve as more information is added or updated. If you have any problem recovering an article please let me know via email.

    Compass, December 11, 2002, Wednesday,  "Environment's a nonpartisan issue," By: Mark J. Spalding

    The Times-Picayune, August 16, 2002, Friday,  "Bush officials consider policy to exempt oceans," Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    Los Angeles Times, May 14, 2002, Tuesday, "Uncertain Road for Baja Plan," Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    EcoAméricas, April 2002, "LNG terminal plans proliferate in Baja California" Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    Copley News Service, April 15, 2002, "Greenpeace Critical of Sempra Plans for Mexico" Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    America's Program, Monday, February 4, 2002, "Waiting on a Plan" Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    America's Program, Monday, February 4, 2002, "What's Holding Up the Bank?" Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    Los Angeles Times, January 2, 2002, Wednesday, "Sewage Cleanup Is Focus of Talks," Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    San Diego Union December 16, 2001, Sunday, "Funds languish while border water, air quality needs unmet," Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    New York Times September 9, 2001, Sunday, TRAVEL ADVISORY: CORRESPONDENT'S REPORT; "Whale Watching Grows Into a $1 Billion Industry" Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    Los Angeles Times, July 15, 2001, "U.S. - Mexico Bank Fizzling," Mark Spalding, Interviewed

    San Francisco Chronicle, Dec. 2, 2000, "Building on Border Ties: Observers Expect Mexico's President to Strengthen Relation with U.S.," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    EcoAmericas, December 2000, "Vicente Fox Plays First Environmental Policy Card ," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Reuters, July 6, 2000, "Mexican Green Party Under Scrutiny After Fox Win," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Latin Trade, June 2000, "Environmentalists Win Fight in Mexico Over Salt Mine That Would Endanger Gray Whale," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2000, "Panel to Probe Mexican Lead Recycling Plant," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Philadelphia Inquirer, April 23, 2000, "Were Whales Really in Danger? Environmentalists Staged Huge Public Relations Campaign Against Mexico's Largest Saltworks," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Boston Globe, April 2, 2000, "Whales Sink Plans for Mexican Salt Plant," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    San Diego Union-Tribune, March 3, 2000, "Saving the Whales: Baja Salt Plan Killed," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Houston Chronicle, March 3, 2000, "Development Near Whale Breeding Site Canceled ," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Houston Chronicle, Feb. 27, 2000, "Bid for Salt Factory on Mexican Lagoon Leads to Whale of a Fight," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    USA Today, Jan. 18, 2000, "In Mexico, Conflict Boils Over Salt and Sea Life," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Associated Press Newswires, Jan. 10, 2000, "Mexico Salt Factory Opposed by California Coastal Commission," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    San Diego Union-Tribune, Nov. 20, 1999, "SANDAG Urged to Oppose Baja Saltworks," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Contra Costa Times, Oct. 19, 1999, "Bay Area Residents Jump into Mega-environmental Protest," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Wall Street Journal, Aug. 24, 1999, "Ecology Groups Use Gray Whale to Re-Engineer Mexican Project," Mark Spalding

    San Diego Union-Tribune, Aug. 24, 1999, "Baja Salt Plan Comes Under U.N. Scrutiny," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    San Diego Union-Tribune, Oct. 21, 1998, "International Help Sought for Tijuana Lead Waste Cleanup," Mark Spalding Interviewed

    Now in the process of updating . . . check back soon for more!