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Trump Suit:   Willpower
Exemplar:   Iron Fist, Shang-Chi
Related Powers:   Ability Boost

Chi allows the user to push his capacity beyond its normal limits. Normally, it is gained through martial arts training. At base, one can achieve feats of strength and finesse with greater success. With additional training, one can perform extraordinary feats, like catching bullets, disabling foes, leaping great heights, and other stunts out of a martial arts flick.

With just the base power, Chi comes into effect when the users pushes himself to the max. If the push card is less then or equal to the Chi rating, the user puts the push card face up in front of him, instead of in the discard. the player then redraws. His action is treated just as a normal push. Then, at the end of the round, the player discards cards equal or greater than the value of the push card. The player then redraws; however, if the discard leaves him with no cards, the hero falls unconscious immediately, as if from injuries, and does not redraw. Chi rating in excess of 10 decreases the required discard at the end of the round by a like amount, but never less then one card. Also, Doom cards used as push cards may not have their values reduced by high Chi rating.

Chi alone can allow some incredible feats, but stunts can expand the Chi users capabilities. The use of all active stunts functions just as above, except that, instead of adding to an ability score rating, the push card is treated as the power rating for the stunt, unless otherwise indicated. Those with a * after the name use normal stunt rules ( gaining the power listed at the base powers intensity).

  • Ability Boost- the push card is treated as an Ability Boost, for one attribute, that lasts for an aura duration. The player must choose the attribute affected when this stunt is chosen, though it can be purchased more than once.
  • Knowledge of All*- the hero gains Cosmic Awareness, at Chi's rank. The hero can also use it's insight ability; however, this is done using a push card.
  • Danger Sense*- the hero gains Danger Sense, at the rating of Chi.
  • Deflect Blow- the hero catch and throw back projectiles, deflect and counter melee strikes, throw an onrushing opponent, or otherwise turn an enemies attack back on him. Treat this as Energy Reflection, except that the hero must make a standard Chi action ( that is, an action treating a push card as the power rating ) against the attack, and the returned damage is automatic. Difficulty is the action total of the attack, plus damage bonus, in the case of bullets and similar projectiles. For bullets, a minimum difficulty of Superhuman should be imposed, if it is not already higher; if the hero has Lightning Speed, disregard this. This stunt only effects physical, aimed kinetic attacks. Kinetic blasts, explosions, or energy of any kind is not effected, though an exploding projectile could be returned before it detonates.
  • Defensive Stance- the push card is added to all defense totals, as per Force Field, for an aura duration or until the hero is successfully hit.
  • Mighty Leap- the push card is treated as the power Leap, for one jump only. This can be used as a defense to avoid an area attack.
  • Thousand Fists- the push card is treated as Lightning Speed, for the purposes of multiple attacks only.
  • Paralyzing Touch- by striking in just the right place, the hero can immobilize an opponent. Treat the push card as Paralysis, for one melee attack only.
  • Shielded Mind*- the hero gains the power Psi-Screen, at his rating in Chi.
  • Sense Surroundings- by attuning with the surroundings, the hero gains a sense of all around him. Treat the push card as Radar Sense, lasting an aura duration, except that magnetism does not disrupt it.
  • Inner Alchemy*- having achieved inner balance, the hero's life is greatly extended. The hero gains Resistance to Aging. Requires a minimum 10 willpower.
  • Stunning Touch- the push card is treated as Stun Blast, for one melee attack.
  • Final Attack*- the hero may keep on fighting, even after his is beaten. Any time the hero is reduced to zero hand size, the player may draw a card and place it in front of him, face up, and then redraw his entire hand. At the end of the next round, and the end of every round thereafter, the hero must place replace the face-up card with a card from his hand of equal or higher value. The original card is discarded, and the player redraws as normally. However, if at any time the player is not able to replace the card, he immediately falls into a coma state, as if struck while unconscious. The same happens if reduced to zero cards while this stunt is in effect ( it may not be used while in effect already ). Chi may be used as normal during this time; however, unconsciousness due to Chi usage has the same consequences as unconsciousness due to wounds.
  • Delayed Fatigue*- instead of discarding at the end of the round, the player may choose to wait until the narrator card has a negative aura.