Arabian Knight
(Abdul Qamar)
Strength 7D
Agility 6X
Intellect 3D
Willpower 4X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Protector
Personality: Doesn't involve himself in street crimes or military actions, he prefers to use his powers when they are needed by the Saudi government, he is almost an Arabian "Captain America."
Several Arabic Languages
Golden Scimitar +4
(Material 16)
Force Blast 12 (automatically hits whoever wields the scimitar without AK's permission)
Magic Carpet (Flight 4)
(Material 16)
AK can command his carpet to do several other things. It can Ensnare foes with
12 Strength or roll up and be used as a Battering Ram with 12 Strength.
(Material 16)
Like his carpet, his belt-sash can do many things. For example, it has
Elongation 12. It can be used as a Whip +1. It can also Ensnare opponents with
12 Strength. Other uses include being used as a bridge, bonds, or a climbing rope.