Strength 8D
Agility 4X
Intellect 6D
Willpower 15D
Edge: 4
Hand: 6 (40)
Calling: World Domination
Hindrance: Missing Right Arm (0 Strength involving the missing limb), Susceptible to Magik's Soulsword (0 defense), Overconfident
Personality: Truly evil, exults in his abilities, serves the Elder Gods who punish him for failure
Mental Control
(This was granted to him by the Elder Gods)
Magic 15
Known Spells: Mind Control, Psi-Screen, Magic Detection, Eldritch Blast, Fire Control, Animation (Necromancy), Illusion, Transmutation (Belasco can transform others into monster versions of themselves. He turned Kitty Pryde into a demonic, feline humanoid called Cat.)
Unique Spell: Summoning -- Elder Gods (Belasco needs five Bloodstones to perform this ritual. The Bloodstones are formed from parts of a pure soul tricked into doing evil.)
Belasco's Sword +5
(Material 18)
Abilities: Regeneration Inhibition (If damaged by this sword, a hero's Regeneration power works at only half intensity when healing), Sorcerer's Bane (If a magic-user is struck by Belasco's sword, they must make an Average (8) Willpower action vs. intensity 10, or be unable to cast any spells for an aura duration.)