Doctor Bong
(Lester Verde)
Strength 6X
Agility 3X
Intellect 4B
Willpower 2X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Vengeance (Howard the Duck)
Hindrance: Obsessive (His Public Image)
Sonics, Genetics, Journalism
His powers are derived from striking the metal ball on his left arm to his helmet. If his helmet is struck by anything metal, other than his metal ball, he will uncontrollably teleport to a random destination.
Paralysis 8
Teleportation 8
Stunt: Passengers
"Killing Bong" 8
Failing a Strength action causes loss of all cards, putting the hero into a coma.
Disintegration 10
Limit: Disruption Only
Doctor Bong is Howard the Duck's mortal enemy.