Captain Universe
Strength +5
Agility --
Intellect --
Willpower --
Edge: --
Hand: -- (--)
Calling: --
Personality: --
Flight 10
Stunts: Mach Control, Ability Boost
Space Flight 10
Stunts: Life Support (Air only)
Alchemy 18
Stunt: Molecular Conversion
Cosmic Energy Control 18
Stunts: Energy Blast (Ricochet), Resistance to Cosmic Energy, Healing
Enhanced Senses 18
Stunts: Microscopic Vision, Penetrating Vision, Telescopic Vision, Lie Detection (if enhanced Willpower is 10 or higher)
Cosmic Awareness 18
Hypnosis 10
Molding 18
Of course, this isn't a true character. Captain Universe is the name given to the person who has received the Uni-Power, in order to accomplish some mission deemed important enough by the mysterious force who grants it.
To illustrate, since Spider-Man once received the Uni-Power, his conversion is below:
Captain Universe Spidey
(Peter Parker)
Strength 19D
Agility 14A
Intellect 8A
Willpower 10C
Edge: 3
Hand: 5 (30)
Calling: Responsibility of Power
Hindrance: Unlucky
Acrobatics, Aerial Combat, Fast Exit, Marksmanship (web-shooters)
Chemistry, Criminology, Mechanics, Physics
Photography, Taunting
Danger Sense ("Spider Sense") 18
Stunts: Tracking
Resistance to Ensnarement +8
Wall-Crawling 14
Flight 10
Stunts: Mach Control, Ability Boost
Space Flight 10
Stunts: Life Support (Air only)
Transmutation 18
Cosmic Energy Control 18
Stunts: Energy Blast (Ricochet), Resistance to Cosmic Energy, Healing
Enhanced Senses 18
Stunts: Microscopic Vision, Penetrating Vision, Telescopic Vision, Lie Detection (if enhanced Willpower is 10 or higher)
Cosmic Awareness 18
Hypnosis 10
Molding 18
Limit: Works only with Spider-Sense
Web-Shooters 16
Stunts: Webslinging, Adhesion, Net, Web Shield