Strength 5X
Agility 5X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Outcast
Hindrance: Monstrous (ACDC are Siamese twins, joined at the arm. Their features are alien-like.)
Personality: They seem to enjoy "shocking" people with their powers, one twin does the talking, the other just giggles "Tee-hee."
Electrical Touch 14
Limit: Both AC and DC need to touch their opponent in order to shock them.
Strength 4X
Agility 4X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Outcast
Hindrance: Mute, Monstrous (Fern is a mass of "vascular crytogam" with a humanoid upper body. Her lower body looks like a
writhing bunch of seaweed and small tentacles.
If here cloak is removed and her true form is revealed, this hindrance applies.)
Personality: She has never spoken, so her true personality is a mystery
Ensnarement 11
(Fern uses her lower body to ensnare her opponents.)
Strength 4X
Agility 4X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Outcast
Personality: Giggles is the first line of attack, disorienting their opponents, while the others swoop in
Light Control 12
Limit: Strobe Only (Except the strobe does not knock the target unconscious. Instead, it prevents the target from making an action for an aura duration
while they shake off the effects of the strobe. They can make defensive counteractions, however, but these are +6 more difficult, due to the disorientation.)
Flight 4
Strength 6X
Agility 3X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Outcast
Hindrance: Monstrous
Personality: Lump does not seem to be a fighter, he uses his powers to confuse opponents and lead them into traps, where his teammates are waiting, talks only when he needs to
Mental Probe 12
Limit: Only used to pick images of other individuals to use with his illusion and imitation powers.
Illusion 12
Limit: Lump can only use this power to make others and himself look like a different humanoid, usually like his opponent's worst fear. Lump
can use his Mental Probe to
discern his opponent's worst fear.
Imitation 12
Strength 6C
Agility 7X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Outcast
Hindrance: Monstrous
Personality: Quill is a fighter and he loves it, can be particularly vicious if he wants
Natural Weapons, Brawling
Claws +4
Quills +4
Cherub Whirlwind
Strength 1X
Agility 2X
Intellect 2X
Willpower 3X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Outcast
Hindrance: Mute, Monstrous (The Cherub Whirlwind consists of five, baby-like figures with hummingbird wings, round black eyes, and beaks for mouths.)
Personality: Unknown, though it is thought that the Cherub Whirlwind
was full of rage, possibly due to being used by the R.C.X. (Resource Control
Executive) and then imprisoned when not being used, when released their
whirlwind was fueled by their anger.
Beak +2
Wings 10
Air Control 13
Limit: Tornado Only (By working in tandem and arranging themselves in a five-point circle, the cherub whirlwind can call into existence a powerful
twister around themselves. This tornado is devastating and frightening to
NOTE: Though the Whirlwind is actually five separate individuals, treat them as one entity, as it is most likely that they had some sort of telepathic link, though this
has never been proven.