Coldblood 7
(Lt. Colonel Eric Cavin)
Strength 9X
Agility 8D
Intellect 4X
Willpower 3B
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Vestige of Humanity
Personality: Primarily interested in survival, reclaiming his lost humanity, and getting revenge on those who have transformed him into a cyborg against his will, he's dour and pragmatic, prefers to use his real name, not Coldblood 7, his memories are limited to whatever Computer tells him.
Military, Security, Leadership
Coldblood 7's powers are derived from his Cyborg Body Parts. They are immune to disease and are 10 material. Trump for these powers are all Intellect, including the Magnum. The Marksmanship Skill still applies.
Computer Link 7
Climbing 7
Infrared Vision 7
.357 Magnum +2 (Three barrels can be fired individually or in a volley. Coldblood 7 can attempt to shoot at 2 or 3 targets be dividing up his pre-card totals in two or three ways. Or, he can fire a volley, causing a victim to dodge at one level more difficult. Or, if he was firing a volley at a group, then they dodge with one level easier, since Coldblood 7 wasn't aiming.)
Machine Pistol (Exploding Bullets) +6
Computer is spliced into Cavin's subconscious that controls his autonomic nervous system. It has 10 Intellect, 3 Willpower and an Edge of 2. Computer speaks to Coldblood 7 "inside his head." Computer can bypass Coldblood 7's conscious mind and directly control his body by successfully making an Average (8) Intellect action vs. Coldblood 7's Willpower.
"TANK" (An Armored Sportscar)
Body 12
Speed 10
Control 10
Body Armor +5
Autocannon 12
2 Heavy Machineguns 10