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Comet Man
Comet Man (Dr. Stephen Beckley)

Strength   11X
Agility   8D
Intellect   9C
Willpower   6X

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Protector

Personality:   Not violent, will not willingly use his powers to harm others, has been a pawn in the past, prefers non-violent methods

Astronaut (See New Skills page)
Astrophysics, Astronomy

Animal Control   4
   Stunt: Memory Dredge
Flight/Space Flight   18
Regeneration   10
Mental Probe   10
Plasma Blast   12
Telekinesis   10
Telelocation   12
   Limit: Comet Man has incomplete mastery of this power. He must make a Desperate (20) power action to successfully use this power.
Telepathy   18
   Limit: Comet Man has incomplete mastery of this power. He must make a Desperate (20) power action to successfully use this power.
   Stunt: He may monitor hostile thoughts directed towards him by making a Daunting (16) power action.
Teleportation   12
   Limit: Self Only
   Limit: Uncontrolled (When his life is in danger, he teleports to a random, familiar place.)
   To control this power, he must wear a cybernetic amplifier, provided by Mr. Fantastic.

Costume   14
   Body Armor +7 (vs. Energy only)
   Adaptation to Deep Space (protection from cold, in vacuum the costume produces a hood that recycles the wearer's breath into fresh oxygen, etc.)

NOTE: I have converted Comet Man from the 1989 Gamer's Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Volume 5. He has appeared recently in the "Captain Marvel" comic book (the pic above is from that series) and may have exhibited better control over his powers or have exhibited newer powers. This is what he originally looked like:
Comet Man