(Dagny Forrester)
Strength 3X
Agility 3X
Intellect 8D
Willpower 3X
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Greed
Hindrance: Triggered Powerless (Certain energy-retardant chemicals will negate her powers and make her vulnerable to attack.)
Personality: Manipulative, egotistical, felt money and power gave one privilege, had no intention of using her powers for good, gained her powers during an aborted experiment, she later finished the experiment, last seen she was remanded to her sinister brother's custody for further experimentation while trapped in her monstrous form...
Energy Corona (Sheath) 12
(Any material of 12 intensity or less is transformed into a gaseous state. Living beings receive 12 intensity damage when they come in contact with her corona. Energy is not affected by the corona.)
Flight 4
Energy Blast 12
Transmutation 12
Limit: Chemical States Only (She can change objects between gas, liquid, or solid form. By going from solid to liquid to gas, the object heats up to a maximum of 12 intensity.)
NOTE #1: The above powers are for Dagny in her incomplete form. In her complete form, her Transmutation, Energy Corona, and Energy Blast powers raise to intensity 14. She also gains the Transmutation stunt of Molecular Conversion.
NOTE #2: If large amounts of Corona's energy are siphoned off, Corona gains a Monstrous Hinderance as she transforms into a freakish form (I'm not sure if the pic above is her normal form or monstrous form...). Her abilities and powers change to those listed below:
Strength 13X
Agility 8X
Intellect 8D
Willpower 3X
Edge 2
Hand 4 (25)
Body Armor +3
Lightning Speed 6