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Antro Antro

Strength   13X
Agility   8X
Intellect   3X
Willpower   4X

Edge:   1
Hand:   3 (17)

Calling:   Demolisher/Greed

Hindrance:   Overconfident

Personality:   Arrogant, loses temper often especially if beaten, blames others readily for failure, a bully, Chinese-American ancestry



Arachnid Armor

  • Acid (Corrosive Missile)   10
  • BOdy Armor   +5
  • Wall-Crawling   8
  • Teleportation   14
       (Antro's armor can generate a field that can teleport everything within Striking distance. He can also isolate his field around himself, or a victim if they fail an Average (8) Agility action vs. the Teleportation intensity.)
  • Web-slinging   8

Arachne Arachne

Strength   6D
Agility   6D
Intellect   3X
Willpower   4C

Edge:   1
Hand:   3 (17)

Calling:   Demolisher/Greed

Personality:   Has an attitude, focuses on her targets, cool but vicious, enjoys taunting her victims and prolonging suffering, shows no remorse in killing

Martial Arts
Leadership, Taunting


Arm Spikes   +4
   These spikes have the following abilities:
  • If Arachne makes a successful attack with the spikes, she can inject her victim with a poisonous venom. This poison kills its victim in 2-3 aura durations as a contingent action unless the victim makes an Average (8) Strength action vs. the poison's intensity 12. If the save is made, the victim only suffers 6 points of damage. If the save is missed, the victim suffers 6 points of damage and will die, unless a suitable antidote is found.
  • Arachne can also fire venomous webs from her arm spikes. If hit, besides being Entangled with intensity 10, the victim must also make an Average (8) Strength action vs. 10 intensity paralysis. If this action is failed, the target must then make a Daunting (16) Strength action vs. 10 intensity paralysis or die as the heart muscles are paralyzed and stop beating.

Therak Therak

Strength   17D
Agility   3X
Intellect   3X
Willpower   3X

Edge:   1
Hand:   3 (17)

Calling:   Demolisher/Greed

Personality:   Whispers, bitter, angry, takes out his pain on others, content to follow orders, brutal fighter


Body Armor   +7
Claws   +2
4 Additional Arms
   (Therak can make only two attacks per round, however both can be made during the "Actions" phase. All six arms have 17 Strength and end in claws.)