Strength 14X
Agility 6X
Intellect 4A
Willpower 10X
Edge: 3
Hand: 5 (30)
Calling: Demolisher
Hindrance: Monstrous (when in true form)
Personality: Ancient demon who lives to play sadistic games with his victims, feeding off their spiritual essence, seeks people who have hidden sorrow or regret, approaches victims in guise of a trust-worthy person, tries to force his victims into madness or suicide, only reveals his true form when directly attacked or his target resists his illusions
Dimensional Travel 5
Limit: Only between the Earth dimension and his home dimension
Emotion Control 16
Limits: Fear only, Limited to Striking Distance
Successful attacks imply the victim is overwhelmed by fear for 2 aura durations
Body Transformation (Smoke) 12
Stunt: Flight
Illusion 18
Limit: For each additional target of his illusions, the power intensity reduces by 2
Telepathy 14
Stunt: Mental Probe
Psychic Vampirism 18
Stunt: Additional Health (For each point of Willpower drained, D'Spayre adds one point to his Health. It is possible to exceed his original Health total.)
Teleport-Self 5
NOTE: D'Spayre's powers are actually spells. I chose to list them as individual powers instead of all under the heading of "Magic." I did this for two reasons. First, I believe that since he's a demon, these powers come from within, not by manipulating mystic forces. Second, his original Marvel stats list each spell with a different rank and I felt that I couldn't lump all under a single intensity. D'Spayre, no doubt, has many more abilities. It is up to the Narrator to decide how to handle future and current powers, whether it be by magic or other.