Eon Strength 18X Agility 2X Intellect 22A Willpower 24X Edge: 5 Hand: 7 (50) Calling: Majesty (Has been given the responsibility to insure that conditions in the cosmos remain amenable to life.) Personality: Mysterious, considers his actions carefully, deliberate and moderate in his actions, can seem absentminded sometimes because he's paying attention to most of the universe simultaneously SKILLS: Scientific Genius (All) POWERS: Resistance to Physical Injury +11 Cosmic Energy Control 22 Stunts: Any Sensory Power, Any Elemental or Energy Control, Any Body Control Power Teleportation 30 Stunt: Passengers Dimensional Travel 30 Stunt: Passengers Bestow Powers/Abilities 16 Limits: Lasts for one to two days, powers/abilities can be maximum of intensity 16 Stunt: Permanence (Eon can permanently bestow powers to an individual, usually the Champion of the Universe, but it requires that Eon spend 5 response bonus points to do so.) |