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(Clay Wilson, AKA Carl Walker)Force

Strength   13(7)X
Agility   6(4)X
Intellect   6D
Willpower   4X

Edge:   1
Hand:   3 (17)

Calling:   Repentant (formerly Greed)

Personality:   Used to be a thug in a battlesuit who enjoyed the power his suit gave him, he was content to take orders and make little money, eventually he grew tired of being a villain and faked his death in order to start a new life




  • Strength Boost   6
  • Agility Boost   2
  • Force Field   12
       Stunts: Force Blast, Flight, Repulsion Field (Anything entering within Striking Distance of Force will be repulsed and pushed out of Striking Distance with 12 intensity strength. To enter the field, one needs greater than 12 Strength. This field also provided 12 intensity protection.)
  • EMP Blast   12
       (Any electrical system, within Striking Distance, of 12 intensity or less will short out for 6 minutes, including Force's battlesuit. If the character is electrical in nature, they need to make an Average (8) Strength action vs. the EMP Blast.)
       Limit: This can be done once an hour.
NOTE: If the suit is deactivated, it still provides Force with Body Armor +3.