Gaea Strength 15X Agility 10X Intellect 8A Willpower 15X Edge: 5 Hand: 7 (50) Calling: Guardian (Earth) Personality: Ally of mankind, quiet, patient, lets nature take its course SKILLS: Scientific Genius (Medicine, Biology, Geology, Genetics, Archeology, All Earth Languages, Occult Lore) POWERS: Elemental Control 20 Stunt: Weather Control Shapeshifting 20 Limit: Only female humanoids Growth 10 At full height, she is 30 feet tall. Healing 20 Limit: Only individuals of Earthly origin. Telekinesis 14 Telepathy 22 Teleportation 22 Bestow/Boost Magic 14 By drawing upon the spiritual energies of the Earth, Gaea can bestow up to 14 intensity magical powers upon individuals. Gaea can also boost the magical skills of sorcerers by +7. These bonuses last for as long as Gaea concentrates or for an aura duration, if she stops concentrating or didn't concentrate in the first place. |