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The Headmen


Arthur NaganArthur Nagan

Strength   13X
Agility   10X
Intellect   8B
Willpower   6D

Edge:   2
Hand:   4(25)

Calling:   World Domination

Hindrance:   Monstrous (His head is attached to a gorilla's body)

Personality:   Fits the stereotypical sociopath scientist, will commit any atrocity in the pursuit of scientific "truth," he has vision, he's skilled in combat, and he has a calculating manner.

Biology, Genetics, Medicine
NOTE: Nagan has been able to switch human brains from one skull to another, as well as keeping a human brain alive and stable in a bowl of life-preserving fluids.

Gorilla Body
   Nagan grafted his head to the body of a 600 lb. black gorilla. This form provides Body Armor +3.

Chondu the MysticChondu

Strength   4(8)X
Agility   3(3)D
Intellect   3D
Willpower   6X

Edge:   2
Hand:   4(25)

Calling   World Domination

Personality:   Scheming, wily

Sleight of Hand

Mind Control   4
Psychic Blast   4
Astral Projection   4

At one time, Chondu's brain was placed in a powerful, artificial body with the following abilities (its stats are in parentheses above):

  • Eagle Legs (Claws +3)
  • Bat Wings (Flight 8)
  • 8 Lamprey Arms
       With a successful Average (8) Strength action, Chondu can grapple his victim. As a contingent action, he can squeeze for 8 damage per exchange until the victim breaks free.
  • Unicorn Horn +6    (Used when charging)

Jerry MorganJerry Morgan

Strength   4X
Agility   4X
Intellect   8D
Willpower   3X

Edge:   1
Hand:   3(17)

Calling   World Domination

Hindrance:   Monstrous (Due to an accident with the Compression Gas, his skeleton and internal organs shrunk, leaving him with very baggy skin.)

Personality:   Bitter, trapped in hideously baggy skin, quick thinker in battle, but prefers to avoid physical confrontations.

Cellular Biology


Cellular Compression Gas Gun   8
   The gas bestows unwanted Shrinking on others, reducing them to 1/25th of their original size.

Strength   8X
Agility   6D
Intellect   6B
Willpower   4D

Edge:   2
Hand:   4(25)

Calling   World Domination

Hindrance:   Monstrous (Instead of a head, she has a red ball of organic circuitry)

Personality:   Team player, self-disciplined, ready to put down nonsense, can be coldly vengeful if her plans go awry.

Martial Arts
Physics, Computers, Engineering

Organic Circuitry Head
This is a list of its abilities:
  • It can see, hear, speak, etc. like other heads
  • Shapeshifting
       It can transform into 4 tentacles that can strike for +5 blunt damage, +3 edged damage, or constrict for 8 damage (as a contingent action, if a successful Average (8) Strength action is made to grapple)
       It can also shift into the head of a pretty, red-headed woman.
  • Separation
       The red ball can attach from the body. Ruby can control both, though the body's Agility reduces to 2. The head flies with 6 intensity and dodges as if it had an Agility of 10.
  • Force Blast   8
  • Energy Touch   14
       She can generate any type of energy needed.