Infectia (Unknown) Strength 4X Agility 4X Intellect 4D Willpower 4X Edge: 1 Hand: 3 (17) Calling: Greed Personality: Air-headed, self-centered, not a fighter, she uses her Anti-Bodies to do her business, seducing males and transforming them SKILLS: Genetics POWERS: Transmutation (Molecular Alteration) 10 vs. organic (4 vs. inorganic) Victims resist her power with a Challenging (12) Strength action. Limit: Her powers do not affect inorganic living beings, such as artificial beings (The Vision) or energy beings (Wonderman) Limit: Her powers do not work on other mutants, however it will cause 10 damage and may cause further mutations. Limit: Skin to skin contact is needed. Infectia prefers to kiss her victims. Stunts: Permanent Ability/Power Boost (up to +6 for organic beings, +2 inorganic materials), Cause Damage (10 organic, 4 inorganic) Stunt: Bestow Powers (Resistances, Claws, Additional Limbs, Additional Sensors, Absorption, Body Armor, Regeneration, Waterbreathing, Growth, Shrinking, Density Control-Self, Plasticity, Elongation, Imitation, Body Transformation, Animal Transformation-Self, etc.) She can give 1 power on an Average (8) action vs. her own power's intensity, 2 powers for a Daunting (16) action, and 3 powers for a Desperate (20) action. Enhanced Senses (Molecular Perception) 10 Infectia can perceive and decipher genetic structures, allowing her to use her powers effectively. Anti-Bodies (Humans mutated by Infectia) Strength 10 Agility 4 Intellect 2 Willpower As Before Edge: 0 Hand: 2 (10) SKILLS: As Before. POWERS: Infectia bestows powers upon her Anti-Bodies. Anti-Bodies are inherently unstable. They will disintegrate in 1-10 hours. In combat, they will disintegrate in 2-20 exchanges. (The Narrator should decide this before-hand.) Infectia "makes" all Anti-Bodies subservient to her wishes. This is possibly the reason why the Anti-Bodies are unstable. |