Kree Starforce with Ty State's blessing (and help)... Captain Atlas Strength 13/11X Agility 6/4C Intellect 4X Willpower 6D Edge: 2 Hand: 4(25) Calling: Soldier Hindrance: Hateful (Captain Mar-Vell) Personality: Brash, arrogant SKILLS: Marksmanship, Martial Arts Military POWERS: Flight 6 Empathic Link (with Dr. Minerva) 19 EQUIPMENT: Uniform
Dr. Minerva Strength 11X Agility 6C Intellect 9D Willpower 6D Edge: 2 Hand: 4(25) Calling: Soldier/Explorer SKILLS: Marksmanship, Martial Arts Genetics Military POWERS: Danger Sense 12 Flight 8 Resistance to Disease, Poisons, and Toxins 14 Empathic Link (with Captain Atlas) 19 Body Armor +4 Supremor Strength 17X Agility 6X Intellect 3X Willpower 2X Edge: 2 Hand: 4(25) Calling: Soldier SKILLS: None. POWERS: Body Armor +6 Communications (Transmission and Reception) 30 Tentacles (Strength 17) Stunts: Elongation, Ensnarement Braindrain 6 If Supremor successfully ensnares an opponent, he can drain away a person's memories. This causes the victim to lose Intellect, temporarily. If Supremor continues to drain after reducing an Intellect to 0, draw a card. If the number is 1 or 2, the victim loses 1 point of Intellect permanently, due to brain damage. Regeneration 8 Korath the Pursuer Strength 13D Agility 5X Intellect 7C Willpower 6X Edge: 2 Hand: 4(25) Calling: Soldier SKILLS: Batons Genetics, Cybernetics POWERS: Cybernetic Enhancements
Shatterax Strength 15X Agility 7X Intellect 3X Willpower 4X Edge: 2 Hand: 4(25) Calling: Soldier SKILLS: None. POWERS: Cybernetic Enhancements
Ultimus Strength 15X Agility 6X Intellect 5X Willpower 6X Edge: 2 Hand: 4(25) Calling: Soldier/Peace of Mind (His Origins) SKILLS: None. POWERS: Immortality Body Armor +6 Energy Blast 14 Stun Attack 12 Flight 12 NOTE: In the past, Ultimus has displayed the following powers: (but recently he's only used the powers listed above) Energy Control (All types) 18 Transmutation 16 |