Strength 6X
Agility 6X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 8X
Edge: 2
Hand: 4 (25)
Calling: Demolisher (Anarchist)
Personality: Exists to have fun, likes to show how absurd others can be, has a sense of humor like a naughty child, enjoys seeing people doing stupid things, has no sense of right or wrong, since he's
virtually impossible to hurt, he can't see that others can be hurt or killed.
None revealed.
Regeneration 20
Emotion Control 18
Limit: Insanity Only
Limit: Must make eye contact (this requires a Challenging (12) Agility action vs. opponent's Intellect. If the opponent is aware of the nature of Madcap's power, they can actively avoid eye contact, making the Agility action become Daunting (16).)
If eye contact is made, the opponent must make an Average (8) Willpower action vs.
Madcap's power or act crazy for an aura duration. Even if an opponent resists the Emotion Control, all their abilities are -2 for an aura duration.
Bubble Gun
Madcap's Bubble Gun is harmless. He uses it to draw attention to himself, allowing him to make eye contact.