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Marvel Boy VIIINoh-Varr
(Noh-Varr Marvel)

Strength   14A
Agility   14A
Intellect   4A
Willpower   9A

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Outcast/Vengeance

Personality:   Noh-Varr is angry at the human race for the murder of his crew and lover, he plans to remake the world in his image of Kree Utopia, described as "Zen Fascism", has seen many parallel dimensions, alternate realities, and other species as a member of 18th Kree Diplomatic Gestalt, nothing on the planet Earth impresses him, sometimes reckless, confident, "hotshot"

Boxing, Brawling, Climbing, Wrestling
Acrobatics, Contingent Attack, Fast Exit, Flinging, Gadgetry, Marksmanship, Martial Arts, Piloting, Repair
Electronics, Computers, Physics, Dimensional Geography, Spacecraft, Weapons Systems
Military, Observation, Survival, Tracking

Engineered Physiology (Cockroach DNA)

  • Noh-Varr's enhanced Strength and Agility are reflected in his stats above.
  • Lightning Speed   9
       Stunt: "White Running" (His body surrenders all function to the singular task of running. His Lightning Speed increases to 14. However, he gives up all attacks and counterattacks while doing this.)
  • Wall-Crawling   14
  • Mind Control   6
       (Noh-Varr's spittle has the ability to override a victim's will, causing the affected to do what Noh-Varr wants. The initial "infection" uses the intensity listed here. However, to force someone to do something, use Noh-Varr's Willpower vs. the subject's Willpower.)
  • Explosives   13
       (Noh-Varr was able to consciously cause his thumbnail to grow longer and into a sharpened point. After sticking the nail into an opponent and releasing it, the thumbnail exploded, presumably after a certain amount of time.)

Helmet   +1
Uniform   +2
Weapon Gauntlets   14
   (These gauntlets morph into a variety of personal firearms which Noh-Varr can use. Most fire some sort of energy and have their own replenishing power source. The maximum intensity of any weapon is 14.)
Replicating Rocket Gernades   12
   (The first gernade fits into a rifle wielded by Noh-Varr. After being fired, the gernade "splits" into two, then four gernades, each capable of doing damage.)
"Cosmic Bullet"   20
   (This bolt of energy was fired from Noh-Varr's rifle. It has incredible destructive potential and has destroyed an office building. It can only be fired once per game.)-
Pocket Battlefield
   (The battlefield starts out the size of a small, hand-held, pink cube. When released, it expands to the size of a very large, empty, pink room. Within, physics are radically different. Those caught inside suffer a penalty of -6 to all actions inside the battlefield, unless they are familiar with the battlefield's physics. Noh-Varr throws the battlefield at his opponents, hoping to ensnare his foes as the battlefield expands. To leave the battlefield, one must understand the physics within the battlefield. To understand the physics, a victim must make a Desperate (20) Intellect action. Success indicates the person can leave and is no longer affected by the -6 penalty.)

WE-PLEX Supreme Intelligence System

Plex The We-Plex Supreme Intelligence System is a repository of the combined mental power and intelligence of the entire Kree race. Each Kree ship, like Noh-Varr's, is equipped with one. The Plex is accessed through a Multiple Personality Complex Interface, which shifts the demeanor of the Plex depending on need. For example, the Plex can access Kree counselors (concerned), Kree generals (militaristic), even Kree murders (bloodthirsty).

Strength   1X
Agility   0X
Intellect   18A
Willpower   15X

The Plex is contained within a tank and remains inside Noh-Varr's ship. The Plex can communicate with Noh-Varr using a link in Noh-Varr's helmet. If his helmet is destroyed or lost, the Plex can access any electronic device capable of producing sound. The Plex is proficient in all Intellect skills and is capable of transferring knowledge to Noh-Varr near instantaneously, using a Brainstorm Transfer. This additional acquired info eventually fades. The Plex can access energy grids, hack computer systems, and monitor communications. It also is capable, given sufficient power, of projecting an Omniwave, which is a powerful, but limited form of (Broadcastable) Mind Control 15.

The Marvel
Not much is known about Noh-Varr's ship. It was shot down early in the story by Noh-Varr's nemesis, Midas. It flies using "Epiphany Engines," which are maintained by faith. The ship's energy source is a Cosmic Ray Engine. The Marvel has "sensorskin" and shielding. It also has a "cortex," which suggests The Marvel may be alive. It is also capable of Dimensional and Time Travel. The Marvel houses the "Concept Dungeon," which contains dangerous ideas encountered during The Marvel's travels. These ideas, which have been somehow given form, are imprisoned here.

NOTE: It is highly possible that Noh-Varr and the PLEX have other powers and equipment not listed here. Some of these, like the Portable Battlefield listed above, may come from alien cultures or advanced, otherdimensional species, and whose effects may be bizarre or fantastic.  It is up to the Narrator and/or Player to develop these additional abilities.