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Strength   18X
Agility   15X
Intellect   15D
Willpower   15X

Edge:   4 (5 in his realm)
Hand:   6 (40) (7 (50) in his realm)

Calling:   Any or all villainous callings

Hindrances:   Mephisto cannot read the mind of any sentient being, nor can he control another being without their consent

Personality:   Loves to use complicated plans to gain new souls, he helps his victims in return for their soul, he's the Great Deceiver, he follows his deals to the letter often twisting it to his advantage


Gateway   18
   (Any place, time, or dimension)
   Stunt: Summon Demons
Size Alteration   18
   Stunt: Affect others
Imitation   18
Enchantment   22
   He can bestow powers upon items for his minions, up to 22 intensity
Forced Reincarnation   18
   He can force a disembodied soul into a new body
Invisibility   18
Force Bolt   16
Levitation   18
Transmutation   18
Neural Control   18
   Stunts: Stun, Neural Attack, Sleep
Elemental Control   18
Invulnerable to Heat, Acid, and Disease
Resistance to Attack (except Magic)   +7
Undead Control   18
Spirit Control   30
   Limit: Only in his realm
Magic/Power Control   18
   Limit: Only in his realm