Count Nefaria
(Count Luchino Nefaria)
Strength 6/19X
Agility 3/6X
Intellect 10X
Willpower 8B
Edge: 2/3
Hand: 4/5 (25/30)
Calling: World Domination
Personality: Sets impossible challenges for himself and overcomes them, chafes in the timidity of the Maggia, recently, as his resources have dwindled, he has focused on his personal abilities
Leadership, Finance, Intimidation
Originally none.
There was a time when Nefaria possessed the powers of the Living Laser, the original Power Man, and Whirlwind. He achieved this by having an experimental process performed on himself. His powers at that time are as follows:
Permanent Strength Boost 13
Permanent Agility Boost 3
Resistance to Injury +9
Limit: Against fire, cold, and acid, his resistance is +8
Laser Blasts 18
Lightning Speed 16
NOTE: Nefaria did not spin when he used this power, like Whirlwind.
Leaping 16