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Satana Satana
(Satana Hellstrom)

Strength   13X
Agility   4X
Intellect   4D
Willpower   15D

Edge:   3
Hand:   5 (30)

Calling:   Responsibility of Power (was Demolisher)

Personality:   Daughter of "Satan" her humanity proved stronger than her demon half, loved humanity while on Earth

Mental Control

Flight   2
Mind Control   5
Soulfire Blasts   10
   (These blasts cause pain to one's life-force, so if a victim is hit with the Soulfire, they must make a Daunting (16) Willpower action to keep from passing out from the pain.)
Psychic Vampirism   14
   (As a succubus, she prefers to seduce her victims, then kiss them to use this power.)
Magic   15
   Known Spells: Astral Projection, Astral Detection, Mystical Shield

   Satana contained a powerful demon within her spirit, which she could set free to do her bidding. However, each time she set it free it became harder to control. Here is its stats:
Strength   16X
Agility   4X
Intellect   3X
Willpower   9X
Health:   30