(Galen Wilson)
Strength 6X
Agility 6D
Intellect 8C
Willpower 11D
Edge: 1
Hand: 3 (17)
Calling: Adventurer
Personality: Serious about superheroing, but needs a bit of confidence,
meticulous and patient, practically no sense of humor,
but can appreciate irony, moral but will entertain the possibility of
bending the rules if for a good cause
Occult, Cryptography
Magic 9
Limit: Galen must scribe the spells onto a scroll beforehand. It takes one hour to script each spell. He can carry up to 10 spells at one time.
The spells are written on vellum (Material 1). Since the spells are made previously, they can be cast as an action (not a contingent action)
by saying the release word. The player must stipulate which spells he/she is carrying before the adventure.
Stunt: Resistance to Magic
Typical Scrolls: Energy Blast (3), Ensnarement, Force Field, Illusion, Telekinesis, Teleportation (2), Telepathy
Soul-armor +4
Limit: The soul-armor manifests for an aura duration, as ethereal pieces of archaic armor covering portions of his body.
After that, Script must wait for two entire exchanges before activating it again, as he regains the arcane strength to manifest it.
Galen grew up on a farm outside of Boston. His father raised him and he never knew his mother. Galen always sensed something was different about
his father, who was physically slim, but had sense of strength about him. Galen learned why around age 18, when his father woke him up in the middle of the night.
Galen was given his backpack and was told that he had to go. His father stared at him one last time, smiled, and the world went black for Galen.
Galen awoke inside a furnished bedroom. In the chair next to the bed was his uncle Mika. His uncle explained that
Galen was the last of a
long line of warlocks. Every male in his family has been a warlock, including Galen's father and Uncle Mika. Then, Uncle Mika revealed that Galen's father had been murdered by an
assassin who hunts down sorcerers. several texts containing spells and
incantations were Inside Galen's backpack.
Galen lived with his uncle on the island of Manhattan, where Galen attended ESU, as a cryptology major. When not studying codes, Galen
studied magic. However, Galen's training as a scientist prevented him from grasping the more abstract concepts of the
arcane. Seeing himself as a failure, Galen
almost gave up. But, his uncle Mika explained to him that the magic came to each warlock differently, playing on there strengths. Galen's father mentally pictured
the magic to get it to work, while Mika sings his
spells. From then on, Galen began to see the magic as a code to be broken. He scribed his spells on vellum and could cast them by
speaking the spell's key. Galen has been steadily increasing in mastery and power, but from time to time, still messes up.
Furthermore, Galen has developed the ability to manifest "soul-armor,"
an ability also passed down through his family line. The soul-armor is
directly linked to a warlock's life-force and will drain strength from the
Galen has decided to follow in his father's footsteps and use his powers for good. He has joined the ranks of heroes who populate NYC. Still, in the back of his mind,
Galen thinks about the assassin who killed his father and he wonders if the assassin will come for him...