Strength 9X
Agility 8B
Intellect 4D
Willpower 9X
Edge: 2
Hand: 4 (25)
Calling: Responsibility of Power
Personality: Calm, stoic, dislikes life as adventurer, uses powers only for
the noblest of causes
Martial Arts, Thrown Weapons, Fishing
Oriental Philosophy
Chi 9
Stunt: Grabbing (Shang-Chi can grab handled knives out of the air and
throw them back at his opponents. He can do this as part of his
counteraction, even if he attacked already. He needs to make two actions:
One Average (8) Willpower action using his Chi power and an Average (8)
Agility action to grab the knives and throw them back. He can do this for
at most two knives an exchange.)