Strength 8X
Agility 6C
Intellect 3D
Willpower 6X
Edge: 2
Hand: 4 (25)
Calling: Protector
Hindrance: Spinal Cord Injury (If Silhouette tries to act without her
crutches, her
Strength and
Agility is reduced by 2.)
Personality: Quiet, believes in helping people, loves Dwayne Taylor,
sometimes frustrated with her disability because she is an active person, determined and
has overcome her handicap
Acrobatics, Martial Arts
Bilingual (English and Korean)
Darkforce Control 10
Stunts: Shadow Teleportation, Body Transformation (Shadow Form) -- In this
form, she lowers her density by 10 and she can flow through cracks and holes. However,
she cannot phase through objects.
Danger Sense 10
Crutches +3
(Taser Electric Charge 8)