Sphinx II (Unknown) Strength 18X Agility 4X Intellect 6C Willpower 6X Edge: 3 Hand: 5 (30) Calling: World Domination (Vengeance against Nova and the New Warriors) Personality: Patient, driven by emotion SKILLS: Archaeology, Languages (Sphinx II probably has more skills from her countless, previous lives. It is up to the Narrator to decide which these may be...) POWERS: All her powers are derived from exposure to the energies of the Ka Stone. Serial Immortality (Every time she dies, she is reborn into a youthful body of another person. She retains all her memories and abilities, and those of the person she is reborn as.) Energy Absorption 16 Stunt: Strength Boost Energy Eye Blasts (Heat, Light, or Force) 14 Flight 14 Growth 16 Life Support (Food, Water, Sleep, and Air) Teleportation 16 Telepathy 13 Stunt: Mental Probe EQUIPMENT: Body Armor +2 |