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The Snow Prophet

Strength   4D
Agility   4X
Intellect   6C
Willpower   8C

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Mentor

Personality:   The Snow Prophet is totally out-of-touch with reality. He hears voices, sees visions, and spouts gibberish. He believes he has been sent to purify the Earth and bring its end.

Appearance:   He has long silver hair and a long silver beard. Both are usually unkempt. He has blue eyes that sparkle when he rants. He carries a long, twisted mahogany staff and wears bland, brown robes tied with a silver piece of rope.

Religion, History (Prophecies)
Manipulation, Teaching

Weather Control   14
   Limit: Cold Weather Only (snow, freezing rain, sleet, frigid winds, Arctic cyclones, etc.)
   Stunts: Flight, Wind Blast, Summon Storm (takes an exchange and increases his power by +2), Snow Cloud (obscures vision like Fog), Weather Prediction
   Stunt: Cold Control (Ensnarement, Cold Waves, Flash Freeze, Ice Missiles, Ice Patch, Resistance to Cold)

Staff   +2

The Snow Prophet's origin is unknown. He was found wandering the streets of NYC, babbling about prophecies and the end of the world. The police found him yelling at the screen of a local movie theatre. They were showing Armageddon. He continued to speak of doom even when they threw him in jail. Eventually he quieted down, sitting for more than a week, staring at the wall. One day, the guards found his cell empty. The wall had been shattered, water was everywhere, and there was a slight chill in the air.

For months, there was no sign of The Snow Prophet. Recently, meteorologists have been recording strange and unnaturally cold weather systems appearing and disappearing over the city. Residents have been complaining about weird snow squalls and ice storms. The most puzzling occurrences of all were the deaths of several pimps, thieves, and murderers. They had been found covered in snow, ice, and frost, having died of hypothermia.

Are these the signs of the end that he spoke of? Or is The Snow Prophet fulfilling his own prophecy?