The Amazing Stupendo (Shawn Frelks) Strength 4X Agility 6B Intellect 9B Willpower 7B Edge: 1 Hand: 3 (17) Calling: World Domination Hindrance: Obsessive (Being Famous) Personality: Delusions of grandeur, likes big, spectacular plans and treats them as if they are a part of a giant magic show, mentally unstable, likes attention SKILLS: Escape Artistry, Gadgetry, Sleight of Hand Electronics, Robotics, Computers Mesmerism, Performing, Animal Handling POWERS: None. EQUIPMENT: Frelk's carries a number of weaponry and accessories that have a Stage Magic theme:
Etheric Technology (Dimensional Travel) This technology causes people and objects to be shunted to a nearby dimension where our world seems to be ghost-like, while the person or object has completely disappeared from our dimension. (It is not known how Frelks acquired this technology.)