Strength 12X
Agility 8X
Intellect 6X
Willpower 8D
Edge: 2
Hand: 4 (25)
Calling: Protector
Hindrance: Triggered-Powerless (can only be active when Rick Sheridan is asleep, otherwise he's trapped in Rick's mind)
Hindrance: Monstrous
Resist Domination
Reality Warping ("Warp Beams") 14
Stunts: Telekinesis, Reduce/Increase Material Strength, Ensnarement
Limit: He only uses this power on non-living materials (it is not known if it works on living things)
Body Armor +12 (+8 in Mindscape)
Flight 6
Imaginator (Teleportation) 14
Limit: Used only within Mindscape, presently lost
Sleepwalker has sworn to protect the mind's of innocents from evil entities. While battling the demon known as Cobweb, Sleepwalker became trapped in Rick Sheridan's mind. Now, the hero fights crime while Rick is asleep and remains inside Rick's consciousness during the waking hours.