(Alton Vibreaux)
Strength 5X
Agility 4X
Intellect 2X
Willpower 2X
Edge: 3
Hand: 1 (17)
Calling: Vengeance (Iron Man)
Hindrance: Triggered Powerless (If Vibro is isolated from the Earth, he
loses his powers.)
Personality: Simple-minded, focused on gaining revenge, clever enough to
hold a town hostage and to surrender when he's lost but that's about it
Kinetic Control 14
(Vibro channels the pressures along fault lines into vibrating pulses
through his arms.)
Stunt: "Shake and Bake" -- This attack causes the target to shake
uncontrollable unless they make an
Easy (4) Strength action vs. Vibro's Kinectic Control intensity.
During this time, the victim cannot perform any action and receives 6 points of damage
each exchange caught in the vibrating field.
Stunt: Force Field (Intensity 8)
Limit: If Vibro is more than 50 miles from a fault line, his powers reduce
by 4 points. If he is beyond 200 miles, his powers reduce by 8 points.