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Will O' Wisp
Will O' Wisp (Jackson Arvad)

Strength   13X
Agility   6D
Intellect   6B
Willpower   4X

Edge:   2
Hand:   4 (25)

Calling:   Vengeance

Personality:   Wants revenge against the Brand Corporation who had tried to kill him, who do anything short of killing to achieve his goal, not particularly heroic, obsessed, determined

Physics, Computers, Electronics

Density Control   10
   Stunt: Partial Solidification (Arvad can solidify parts of his body, while leaving the rest intangible)
Flight   4
   Limit: Will O' Wisp can only fly at 0 density.
   Limit: If Will O' Wisp flies faster than 1 intensity, he gives off light. He looks like a glowing sphere.
   Stunt: Arvad can solidify momentarily to strike an opponent as he flies by and then become intangible again. Treat this attack as if he had the "Fast Exit" skill.
Hypnosis   10
   (Glittering, dazzling lights from his chest allow him to use this power)

NOTE: When Arvad was once discorporated (and his physical form had been dispersed), he was able to take control of cybernetic systems. Treat this as Computer Link 10. It is not known if he can do this at any other time. To use this power, Will O' Wisp must make a Desperate (20) power action.